After glancing over the thread,it struck me that only a few people research what they own/drive/modify BEFORE they actually do it. Even fewer have a good grasp on WHY something is illegal/legal,or shouldn't be modified(backyard style or not). It's pretty simple:modified ANYTHING on a standard car,it need to be inspected and written up by a certified automotive engineer,with the pertinent piece of paper being carried in the car at all times. The second that modification is changed/altered,or another one is made,the same procedure has to done all over again. I've heard horror stories of someone by the side of the road wising up to an officer with a standard family car that got defected...for a stereo head unit change,light(read:easily legal)tint and seat covers. No letter? You're off to Dickson! If the law was strictly enforced,none of our cars would pass,realistically. Even the inspectors at Dickson know this,as too most(not all)Police officers. However,if things are done safely,and without changing design parameters too drastically,even these people we all seem to fear unconditionally will sign off on our vehicles. A little thought first as to what you're changing,and it's effects,may go a long way! Ask questions on forums like this one!And to mates(taking information with a grain of salt).And to the relevant authorities. Make an informed decision(will fitting a T88 to my RB20 place my braking system under extra strain?Well,duh!),then go about it properly! I agree there seems to be too many in the places of rulemaking and red tape that give us mixed information:it's up to us to chase the facts down. No good standing beside the road saying "But my best friend's mate's girlfriend's father-in-law had the same modification done in the 70's,and HE didn't get hassled,Officer..."