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Everything posted by Borci88

  1. +2 for squeezindeg No issues!
  2. Yeah just go normal, sometime this year I'm gonna get an Exedy, the ones we use at work are rated beyond 300rwkw, I think 400 it said but I don't believe that.
  3. Just go normal, what's the price difference?
  4. So f**king dumb wow.
  5. I know it'll do 400+ kW's for a fact as well
  6. LMAO
  7. So tired from the working week...
  8. Mum cooked chicken for dinner so wasn't off to a good start, and GF was at netball all night, how about you?
  9. It's double the damn size what the hell.
  10. Someone save it for me... actually devastated atm looking at these photos.. http://www.pickles.com.au/damaged/item/-/details/C2001--Nissan--Skyline--Coupe/1252333284
  11. If it was that easy I'd be doing that
  12. If you can live with it collapsing apart right underneath your seat sure...
  13. Something my dad burned into me as a young kid and I'll always remember, unfortunately I forget it in the moments I need it most.
  14. Well essentially this bodies been cut in half and welded on a new half So it'll never ever be as strong as factory, had a body shop even say it was done SO BADLY that there's zero structural integrity and if you got in an accident it would either fold in half, or completely split. Guess that's what happens when you don't do your research and buy without a roadworthy.. Never again.
  15. its tha rules brah, just bolt it into the rear seat bolts.
  16. 9k which I suppose isn't as bad, but still.. when you're earning under 20 a year it's a big hit Long story short, this chassis is a nightmare, you know all those stories you find on the internet of cut and shuts and you go "nahh that never happens, just a couple here and there thats it"... well, yeah. My dumbass fault for not having it checked properly and you wouldn't believe how disappointed in myself I am but the only thing I can do now is find another shell, get it checked by Stateroads and hope for the best, then try and sell a roadworthy 32R and recoup my losses, or keep it and build it insane. Good for my reputation as a mechanic as well huh
  17. Essentially I would only need a body inspection? Which is only $125.
  18. Yeah I know, only got myself to blame though, shoulda checked it thoroughly, now I'm stuck in this mess what can ya do but try and make the best of it. Will do, might get an RACV inspection on a shell (still has engine in it currently), how are they on inspecting chassis? That's all I really wanna know anyway...
  19. Yeah thanks to the spark plugs or oil change I probably did on it
  20. 2 suburbs from me, Wheelers Hill, if you were asking race he's Sri Lankan.
  21. Nothin yet seller gets back to Melbourne on Friday so I might be able to get 3-4k back out of him, but otherwise I'm f**ked lol. Guess that's what happens when you rush into things.
  22. I might have a gearbox for sale shortly
  23. U srs? I thought she was 'mad into gym'...
  24. Fuaaaaarrrrrrr, how much that costing you roughly?? Come get em installed at work! .....or I'll do it Now you gotta spill...
  25. Gon STINK
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