Tried to do me for things that werent RWC items like a "soft" upper radiator hose. Rear pads were 2mm and legal limit is 1.5mm and I called him out on that and he got all defensive that oh well if you want to save $350 then we dont have to do it, then turned around and told me I should anyway. The owner of the company also told me to do some research to find out whats minimum spec for the rotors and get back to him.. like thats my job as a customer and all. Front tyres are Retreads (dont laugh, they came with the car) and the mechanic thought that meant they were damaged on the sidewalls, even though its just the cap glued on. Also tried to find the slightest imperfection in every bush so is trying to sting me for most of them in the rear and a couple in the front. All up about $1000 if I don't do the brakes.
(This is on a VLT also, none of this would happen on a skyline )