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Everything posted by Borci88

  1. Drill some holes in both parts and put a nut and bolt through them. As long as it works...
  2. I thought it was so they could use that cash in the mean time? You know like shares and all.
  3. Bike shop. ^^^ Bastard!
  4. love the boring mono-tone!
  5. Soldsss it, never ran right anyway so no big loss
  6. Yeah ended up being 3/4 of a tank after driving to Phillip Island, race track + beach run and then back home. So damn true, should definitely have some sort of Vicroads backing.
  7. Ding Ding Ding :) Good drive.
  8. Where am I?
  9. Where can I buy a Reverse Selector Switch?
  10. Yeah was going to go to that as well but really cant be bothered, nobody I know going anyway! Ever fix it or find out why dezz?
  11. Will have to be a big circular group of buyers and sellers going on a cruise together will even invite the guy who bought my VLT along as he really wants too haha.
  12. After owning it for two days I now understand your immense pride for it. It's definitely been the best car I've owned so far. Just need to get the guards rolled, paint the tail lights + fog lights, pop the dent in the bonnet and chuck in a Nistune and I'll be happy. Oh also have to look into the reverse lights not working, bulb seems fine so I think it might be the switch or wiring.
  13. Theres a PowerFC for sale in the For Sale section for $900, thats not that cheap for a GTR though is it?
  14. God damn it someone just leaves a rock the size of two bricks in the middle of my lane with nowhere to go at 60, so so lucky there was no damage, the rock shot out like a rocket across the road into oncoming traffic and missed everyone incredibly.
  15. Why do you always have to argue with everyone lol? Always gotta prove people wrong...
  16. LOL and when you see indians in TURBO AUTO skylines with a huge bodykit and chromies blasting it down the street, thats not poser?
  17. No not at all, just 3x the average yearly income as well........
  18. Took the VLT to get a roadworthy elsewhere, smaller list and should take a lot less time. I should sell RWC-less from now on, what a head f**k.
  19. Maybe, I was in the White VL that pulled out in front of you at Eley Rd, heading towards Burwood Hwy.
  20. Blame Grant he said they were good and lenient
  21. Indeed, I was going in expecting like $500 bucks. Silly me going to a jap RWC place for an aussie car... I'm dropping it off at the old mechanics tonight, he laughed at the brake and bushes comment so I should be alright, just means I wasted $165 on an inspection.
  22. Tried to do me for things that werent RWC items like a "soft" upper radiator hose. Rear pads were 2mm and legal limit is 1.5mm and I called him out on that and he got all defensive that oh well if you want to save $350 then we dont have to do it, then turned around and told me I should anyway. The owner of the company also told me to do some research to find out whats minimum spec for the rotors and get back to him.. like thats my job as a customer and all. Front tyres are Retreads (dont laugh, they came with the car) and the mechanic thought that meant they were damaged on the sidewalls, even though its just the cap glued on. Also tried to find the slightest imperfection in every bush so is trying to sting me for most of them in the rear and a couple in the front. All up about $1000 if I don't do the brakes. (This is on a VLT also, none of this would happen on a skyline )
  23. Looks like I won't be going back to Import Factory, crooks.
  24. White R33 GTST travelling down middleborough road in Burwood around 12pm.
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