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Everything posted by Kiwibob

  1. Chris, your building is the old metro pd centre when they were getting rebuilt?
  2. I told you i would buy them At a greatly reduced price of course lol. am bored so was looking at the manheim auctions and saw this http://www.manheim.com.au/dv/items/3172622/1993_nissan_skyline_r33_sedan?referringPage=SearchResults I rekon the person who hit it was angry that he tried to make it look like a subi
  3. I would not want to own a skyline down in the goldy at the moment. that is the 5 th one i have heard in past 2 weeks. There MUST be some kind of op going on down there. I will keep an eye out for it mate. Good thing you were insured though, so many are not doing that. for the sake of a few hundred $$ you need to insure it.
  4. doing too many hektic skidz and popped a tyre/rim. still dont know how the front tyre went bang lol
  5. Made the call... and he didnt even hit on me... disappointed!!!
  6. Did you do some skidz!!? Any luck on the wheel front? i found some 350z wheels for 500 that been painted black.
  7. yes please chris. When do u thin k the part will be here?
  8. i know it was 1/95 built. i will take a photo for you
  9. sent it. Thank you Chris. i work just up the road from you so if it isnt horribly expensive it will be easy for me to drop it off
  10. Quick question Chris, My airbag light is on and no horn. i know it is the clock spring is broken, do you/can you fix this?
  11. i wish. i want to go now lol
  12. So it is friday nite. i am meant to leave in 10 mins but due to a lovely HSV function i am here till 9pm. So i get to sit here and listen to some lovely old and overweight men talk about how great their HSV's are. AND the kicker..... I dont get paid to do it,,, hmmm Why me.. did i do something wrong in a past life?
  13. Red r33 tuesday night on old northern road. Had a sau sticker on quarter window. Nice sound
  14. Exactly. My contract runs out in feb and im on my third phone. As each one craps out i go to a even crappier older phone. i didnt think i was that hard on phones but i must be
  15. Really? That sucks. that would be like letting me speak to people but not letting me actually sell the car. But hey at least your getting paid for driving around a lot lol.
  16. OMG!!! You training people. What has the world come to!!! But doesnt it feel good to move up the food chain.... or not moving but getting someone who is lower than you Hmmm that doesnt sound quite right. <BR><BR>Does that mean you might actually get some training on how to fix cars instead of being the bum boy?<BR>
  17. It seems that the vunder kid seems to crack a little under pressure when things dont go his way. And for christ sake can Webber actually manage to get a good start for once.
  18. would not miss this for the world. Im in.
  19. If it was gasket tho wouldnt it happen all the time and not just when cold? i am really hoping it is gasket <BR>Typical tho. First time i go to a track i get issues lol
  20. Question for all. If under boost my car sounds like i am strangling a cat BUT only happens when cold what would that mean? Thinking turbo on the way out but hoping that isnt the problem. Oh and good morning all
  21. on the cabouture thread there is a video. it shows the lovey white r33 havings its off track excursion. VERY lucky he didnt hit anything
  22. Haha. Very impressive car Noel. Loved getting passed by you lol
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