Terry, valid points as always! One of the biggest killers for the club that we've seen is the rise of FB groups and groups of people without much backing them are able to go and book a happy laps session and they're all good. In NSW/VIC being part of a CAMS affiliated club means something because you need that for your license which you need for track events.
Because of this, and an Exec committee that is incredibly worn thin, there isn't the appropriate numbers at events. When I was running it, I was fortunate to have Cadmoon as my right hand man and we played off each other's strengths to build something strong.
The biggest issue though, quite frankly, is people who sit on the f**king fence. Seriously! People ask for obscure events, they get organised, less than a dozen people show up leaving the club in a bad place. Not only that, the guys who've put their blood and sweat into organising these gigs are now feeling down on themselves because they've failed. Should they take it personally? No. Do they? Yes. It's a tough calling.
So in a long, round about way, what I'm saying is that the growth of the club depends on the Members. People need to put their money where their mouth is and show up to events. I told Mouse ages ago that I can't make gigs because my car is busted and he knows that if I do turn up, it's a bonus. Others who say they can make it, don't pay, don't turn up and then complain there aren't enough gigs are the bane of the club's existence.
tl;dr - Club needs members to actually show up to events. Club will put on more events if more people show up. Club will continue to grow.