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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Big month eh? But I'm a bad exec because I'm not on the other site...
  2. Sorry guys. If it makes it any better, she hasn't made dinner either.
  3. Really nick? Really?
  4. I work in recruitment as well.
  5. Sunshine (Because the sun shines outta my a$$)
  6. who wouldnt? Me
  7. Thanks for your donations guys!
  8. The more I eat the more lethargic I get. This sounds about right. Essentially, just looking for a jump start to get me back into rhythm and then should be off the stuff. Seriously feels like my metabolism is working at 1 10th and it's pissing me right off! Will look into Mesomorph. Not looking for a long term supply, just a quick boost for a week or two. Anything else?
  9. Ouch! That sucks.. You work? Who in their right mind would employ you?
  10. I prefer to train in the mornings. When I've been dedicated to going to the gym, it's been at 5-6am (the primary reason I changed to Jetts from Fitness First). Partially has to do with having a dad who's ex-military... also has to do with me liking regularity in my regime. Work can finish anywhere from 5-midnight so makes it tougher to stick to a schedule. With that said, one of the guys that used to work with us had this supplement that was also an energy lifter. He wouldn't drink coffee at work in the mornings because this stuff had him going. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Have been feeling my energy levels steadily depleting over the last 12 months and could do with a boost to get me back into my routine. If it helps, the stuff he was using was in a white bottle, with black label and red writing.... as generic as that is.. Any help would be appreciated!
  11. Tech nights gone and passed dude?
  12. I know that S13! Should be a good month.
  13. Epic events thread up http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/425138-list-of-events-may-2013/#entry6848554
  14. Hey guys, With so many different events and lots on the go, thought that it would everyone's life easier if there was one spot that had all the events listed in chronological order. I'll try and get this post up for each month at least 2 weeks early. There will still be posts for each event, this just gives you guys an idea as to what's happening. The club also has a Google Calendar that the Execs use to see what's coming up. If you're interested in gaining access, we'll see what we can do. 1 - Monthly Meeting - Vroom, James St Fortitude Valley 2 - Tech Night (Suspension) - Fulcrum Stafford, Grange Rd Stafford 4 - Blood Drive - Red Cross, Keppera Parklands 9 - Dinner and Chat - Breakfast Creek Hotel 11 - Sprint Day - Lakeside Park, Kurwongbah 16 - Dinner and Chat - Guzman Y Gomez, Emporium 1000 Ann St, Fortitude Valley 19 - aus300zx Fundraising Cruise - Cruise through to Fernvale 19 - QLD SC Barefoot Bowls - New Farm Bowls Club 23 - Dinner and Chat - TBC 26 - BBQ at the Point - Kangaroo Point 29 - Exec Meeting - Probably my place That's 11 events in the month of May. By far our busiest month ever! Would love to see more of you guys at these events. Shall post up June's list over the next few days. Cheers, Tony
  15. Thanks Mike. Any SAUers looking at making a donation, PM me. We're organising a bulk payment with a big fancy cheque.
  16. My back plays up in this weather so I'm in a shit load of pain at present. Traffic was pretty bad out there. A lot of people seemed to be slipping and sliding around. What I don't understand is, how does a Corolla skid out in the wet? FWD for more tractions... right? FYP
  17. She's at uni today, shall ask when I get home. Thought that she already posted them but will find out.
  18. Think that every time I read one of Nick's posts Same here. Works wonders. Also do the same with the Exec committee but they don't appreciate it as much.
  19. racing.natsoft.com.au/635456211/object_36109056.91G/Result?1 5 of the top 10 are our boys! Excellent driving gents!!!
  20. Sleepy page!
  21. Night folks.
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