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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Shirts may or may not be available.
  2. yup
  3. Lots happening down in Brisbane. May is looking chockers at present.
  4. Looks like close to 10 cars. Should be a good safe run.
  5. How loud is your car? If track cars are eligible, then it would be safe to say that their sound threshold would be pretty high.
  6. I'm not a cop... .. Nick... Where are you Nick.. Got a job for you.
  7. Tony's Postal Service? Tony's going Postal? In.
  8. On the list hombre. See you there.
  9. White r35. Turning on to Bowen bridge road from Gregory Tce. Noice!!!
  10. I think what a lot of us fail to realise is that Chris is an Auto Lecky by trade. It's what he does and what he enjoys doing. At the end of the day, he built his knowledge through years of servitude to the industry. He knows his stuff because in an industry fuelled by clients not wanting to pay decent dollars and companies offering crap services for minimal fees, the guys with the best knowledge and most innovative are the ones that stand out from the pack. He's a master of his trade and we can't just ask him for freebies. He built his intellectual property and shares a lot more info about what he does than most do about their day to day jobs. Let's give him a break eh?!
  11. Thanks Martini.
  12. Welcome to the club! How regional are you mate?
  13. Don't believe so because ^this. Happy laps is meant to be just a drive, so they put the chicane in there to slow you down. Sprint day shouldn't have it and I'm 99% certain that we can remove it.
  14. Reserved.
  15. Payment Details: Name: Skylines Australia Queensland Club Bank: Westpac BSB: 034 063 Account Number: 354 012 Payment Reference: user_name sprint day Please do not send cash in the mail, for obvious reasons! Entry Form shall be posted shortly List of Attendees: mrbenno PAID Sabbai PAID Boiracer PAID Cadmoon PAID Smity42 PAID Just_racing PAID sneakey_pete PAID mattis96 PAID MumSlayer PAID Toddls PAID HiveFleetAbyss PAID GregR31 PAID sutty PAID B-Boi34 PAID Nismo32 PAID animan PAID Reserve List (to replace any attendees who can't make it): Beelzebubbles_89 R34Dave
  16. Event: Super Sprints at Lakeside Park Description: This is a super sprint day. Finally a day to put your money where your mouth is. Put up or shut up. Bring your game face for at least 3 sessions of 6 laps at Lakeside Park. Fully timed laps and the ability to really prove your abilities. Game? This is a full track day. There will be practice laps from 9:30am through 12:00pm. This will allow you to get used to the track and really understand your vehicle through every turn and damn kink on the track. We will then break for lunch and smack talk. At 12:30, we will be briefed and then onto the track for our laps. We've been promised at least 3 sessions of 6 laps. Location: Lakeside Park Date: Saturday, 11th May 2013 Time: Be there by 8:45am for a 9:30am start. We don't want anyone holding us up now, do we? Cost: We've been able to organise a sweet deal with the guys from QR. $150 for members $175 for non-members This has been ridiculously well priced. When you consider that the open sprints alone are $175. You're getting a 3 hour practice + 3 sprint sessions for $25 less. Bargain! There are only 15 spots available. From today until the 11th of April, we will only be releasing this event to you guys on a first in, best dressed basis. If you reserve a spot but haven't paid and submitted your entry form by the 11th of April, your spot is fair game. Not only that, from that date we will be opening this event up to other clubs as well. Whether it be the Supra, BMW or aus300zx boys, they will have the opportunity to claim any unpaid spots. So if you want to guarantee a spot, get your dollars in! Requirements: Completed Entry Form and Money paid by due date. Helmet ABS & SRS systems may be disconnected at the driver's option Drivers must wear non-flammable clothing that fully covers the body from ankle to wrist to neck If vehicle is road registered or road registerable must meet the roadworthy requirements of Qld Transport If vehicle is not road registerable it must meet the applicable Racing Car standards below Fire extinguishers, when fitted, must meet AS1841 standard and be secured to ensure they cannot injure the driver in the event of an accident. Tyres must be fit for purpose, not recut or retreaded, and be fitted to rim widths that comply with the Tyre and Rim Association manual and/or ADR requirements Rear facing red lights for use during rain must be fitted. Are you guys ready? Let the smack talk begin! SAUQLD - Super Sprint Day - LP - 1105.doc
  17. Apologies, have spent the last 2-3 weeks either inebriated or getting inebriated. My communication skills are rapidly declining. Mike's trying to organise this for the weekend following Easter, does that work for you?
  18. Can't multiple quote on iPad. Shirts should be in. We want steak in a venue threat won't hang me from the rafters for lunch. But of a cruise. A bit of fun. Chris, love you log time. Chris, get f**ked. Both Chris can argue as to which Chris they are.
  19. Putter next week. Chris, I'd you could liaise with mike and organise a decent run for us. That would be great. Edit: not next weekend, weekend after. Shirts should be in then.
  20. I think that I've been drinking too much.
  21. Thinking about cruising to see you guys next week.
  22. lol. It was 60 down to 0 very quickly,. All I'm saying is something isn't right. They've fixed wheels and tyres before when it;s been their fault. Shall hear back next week and go from there.
  23. My rear brakes are playing up. Something's amiss back there so I want them to fix it!
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