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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Hicas - highly involved car annihilation system. Seems to work well on chantalles car but then again it's not like there's any power heading to the rear rubber.
  2. I went to fulcrum at stafford, they were pretty good.
  3. Also the availibilty of replacement parts if anything goes wrong...
  4. They're both going for similar dollar. The RX-7 is beautiful and just has that look....
  5. File it with the coppers. This will give you time to fix the holes and mount it properly. You SHOULD be able to temporarily display it in the windsheild, but don't quote me. Coppers will be able to advise.
  6. In relation to the 250GT, from what I hear, parts seem to be a bit rarer. SInce the 350GT shares a lot of components with the 350Z, you can easily get stuff you need. Come and join us in Brisbane. We catch up weekly and have a good laugh. Details can be found in the QLD events section.
  7. Looking at purchasing one of the two: A) 1993/4 Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R V-Spec B) 2000-02 Mazda RX-7 Series 7 (8) Want it to be pretty stock with maybe exhaust, coilovers, etc. Discuss/
  8. With the numberof skylines being stolen, immobiliser and insurance are a must!
  9. Then come along!
  10. Hi guys, Sorry about the late posting. This week we're at the Caxton! Good ol' Cacko! Where: The Caxton, 38 Caxton St, Petrie Tce, QLD When: Thursday, 07 March, 7pm Why: Because beer and steak! See you guys there! Cheers, TS
  11. So your car doesn't go fast. The speedo is f'ed and hence it thinks it goes fast....
  12. Cheers guys. All seems to be tracking well. Hopefully we will have them by the end of the month.
  13. That's terrible news mate! Any identifying marks or pictures would help. Why did the cops call you? Was the car involved in a crime?
  14. Yes, highly unfortunate but better to be safe than sorry. We can also safely assume that nobody wants to see their pride and joy fall off a cliff! Shall keep you guys updated.
  15. Keep it safe people, keep it legal, not condoning any stupid behaviour, especially in this weather.
  16. I thought that the guards on the rear of the 35 coupe were the same as the 33 and slightly smaller than the 34 T-R
  17. http://www.stillen.com/product/intake-kits/stillen-ztube-without-intake-403235-8943.html ? Does that help?
  18. Similar to how they sit on the rear of the V in the pic, all round. Won't be as pokey at the front though.
  19. We have to be there at something stupid like 9am. If you want to meet me somewhere earlier than that bring coffee or GTFO In other words, we can have all the SAU boys meet somewhere and then cruise?
  20. People don't look at my car like I'm a hoon, more of a "dafuq was that?"
  21. No love bro. You don't reply to my texts. All good mate. Looks like a great turnout. Weather is a little hit and miss right now though.
  22. Being Maxima -like is awesome! Nobody looks twice.
  23. The only reason that I didn't go with these was because I could only find them for $150+ a pair. That's when I thought, I've used EBC red stuff before, might as well stick with that. HPX for that price. Shall purchase when I need new pads!
  24. ARe you coming on the cruise? Plenty of awesome photo opportunities.
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