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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. That's because you can't see anything out of the Cappuccino.
  2. Funniest part was that you thought it was my car. Lol!
  3. Ac cobra replicas still go for decent money. They're "just" replicas.
  4. Not long to go now guys! Looks like we may have close to a dozen cars. Plus an ark or two.
  5. My office is at Fortitude Valley. We don't have an official HQ as such. I'm just storing them at work for a week or so. People can organise to pick them up if they give me enough notice. Boss would crack it if I had guys just walking in and out.
  6. There's downright illegal, then there's borderline. A lot of the cars at these meets have way too many illegal mods on them. Funny thing is that they could easily engineer a lot of the mods that they have but choose not to.
  7. SAU HQ? We have head quarters?
  8. That was aimed at you Sean.
  9. When you change your tyre size, you can't change the rolling diameter by more than 15mm. So you'll still have the same-ish ride height.
  10. t5iv

    Sau Maintenance

    It was offline for a. It yesterday. Granted that I didn't have much time to jump on so didn't rally notice.
  11. Ewwww... The skevy...
  12. t5iv

    Sau Maintenance

    Nick. I was going to nominate you for an exec role. You just f**ed that.
  13. Watch out for defects. Cops aren't kind to this at downshift. The club will be heading to the next one, in true SAU style.
  14. With nissan motor. And turbo.
  15. Sean's in Mackay mate. The mrs said that shell sort it out for him. You can try be nice to her and see what she says.
  16. t5iv

    Sau Maintenance

    Who works at work?
  17. Deal with it when the shirt arrives/
  18. Hope you guys don't mind us 'borrowing' your Job descriptions. Go ODIUM!
  19. Reserved.
  20. Role Descriptions Executive Committee roles: President This is the clubs leader. This person is responsible for the clubs "public" face appearance. Their responsibility is to ensure the club is heading and following the direction that the members want. They should also show good leadership examples to other committee members and delegate tasks to the general committee. The President should endevour to run all of the monthly general meetings. Vice President This is the clubs second in command role. This person is responsible for day to day running of the various "departments" of the club. They act as a fill in for when the President is absent from meeting, events and other appearances. They also cover any absences for any decision making requirements and processes. Secretary Responsible for all club mail, notices, memberships, member enquiries, member questions and bulletins. The secretary should also track our various club affiliation agreements (insurance etc) and ensure all of the club information is up to date and correct. The secretary should also handle all memberships' add/changes/deletes Treasurer The treasurer is responsible for the clubs trading funds and bankroll. It is their responsibility to ensure funds for events, purchases, stock, merchandise, deposits etc is handled correctly. All money transfers, transactions, purchases need to be logged and recorded for our regular balance checks and yearly reviews. This person has direct access to the SAU bank account and financial data. This person is called upon also when cross planning events and new ideas to ensure adequate funds and capacity is available. As we are non profit car club this role is very important and all steps must be taken to protect the clubs money.
  21. t5iv

    Lambo Doors

    This bonnet is 10 pop collar cool....
  22. ALL ORDERED! SOLD OUT! :woot: :banana: ETA - End of March. Feel free to keep whoring here, I'll keep you updated with production.
  23. t5iv

    Lambo Doors

  24. I was just about to make the order! haha
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