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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Now that Nick has ordered 2, shall I up your order? Just sayin...
  2. Can you get it to the meet Noel?
  3. SAU QLD Polo shirts are ready to order! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/419478-sauqld-polo-shirts/
  4. SAU POLO SHIRTS ARE HERE!!! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/419478-sauqld-polo-shirts/
  5. Doesn't km/h have to be on the outside for ADR?
  6. Updated.
  7. One or two Nick?... you tight wad.
  8. We are currently working on finding another sponsor. The biggest thing that we are looking for is someone who has the same level of integrity and honesty and knowledge as Dan. It's a sad day, but we will hopefully find someone to fill these big shoes.
  9. PAYMENT DETAILS: For those who have reserved a spot and can see that your name is on the list, can you please organise payment? Details are: Name: Skylines Australia Queensland Club Bank: Westpac BSB: 034 063 Account Number: 354 012 (Please do not send cash in the mail, for obvious reasons!) Please Use Payment Reference- "username polo" That is your username followed by polo. Reserved for list of purchasing members: Boz (3XL) Boz (5XL) t5iv (Mens L) t5iv (Mens L) Tyler (Kids 4) R33Ste (Mens L) R33Ste (Mens L) R33Ste (Ladies 14) Cadmoon (Mens XL) Cadmoon (Mens XL) Captain Natro (Mens L) Captain Natro (Mens L) Seano350GT (Mens L) Wagamamamamamama (Mens L) HiveFleetAbyss (Mens XL) HiveFleetAbyss (Mens XL) Sneakey Pete (Mens L) Sabbai (Mens M) olloSKYLINEollo (Mens 3XL) olloSKYLINEollo (Mens 3XL) Miss-R34 (Ladies 14) Mhy33 (Mens S) Mhy33 (Mens M) Triptych (Mens M) Triptych (Mens M) Triptych (Ladies 12) Smity42 (Mens L) Smity42 (Mens L) Kolossus (Mens 2XL) Kolossus (Mens 2XL) Shazz (Mens XL) Shazz (Mens XL) Shazz (Ladies 10) FineLine (Mens XL) Vthirty5 (Mens L) Just_Racing (Mens 2XL) Just_Racing (Mens M) RhinoRebel (Mens 3XL) SonnyQ (Mens XL) Akshunhiro (Mens 2XL) Akshunhiro (Mens 2XL) PHT34 (Mens 2XL) GregR31 (Mens XL) Toddls (Mens L) Toddls (Mens XL) BrownyR31 (Mens M) Bergo (Mens M) Grae35 (Mens L) Damit (Mens 3XL) Kenna802 (Mens L) All sold!!
  10. http://www.skylinesa...ld-polo-shirts/ Sean, stop being soft and sign up. It's only $20 for the year because you live in the middle of nowhere... (i think).
  11. NEW SAU POLOS!! WOOT!! http://www.sauqld.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=3603&pid=176670&st=0entry176670
  12. NEW SAU POLOS!!! http://www.sauqld.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=3603&pid=176670&st=0entry176670
  13. just sayin...
  14. Hi Everybody, As the majority of you know, the Exec team and myself have been working firking hard on getting some polos for all of us. Now, I present you with the new, improved SAU POLO SHIRTS!! The material is lightweight and is of very good quality. It's a high quality polo that can easily be worn out in public (which was the whole idea) Attached is a picture of what it will look like - it will say SAU QLD not SAU Tas. Only 50 will be made! Sizes: Mens - XS - 3XL and 5XL Womens - 6 - 26 Kiddies - 4 -16 (I know that Tyler will be getting one). The order will be placed with the supplier on the 28th of Feb. Order by this date to ensure that you get the right size and discounted price. If not, you could end up with a tent or muscle T... Shirts should be delivered by the end of March for those that order by the end of Feb. Costs: Order in by cut-off date - $25 each Order in after cut-off date - $35 each You can order more than one if you like, and you don't have to be a financial member to purchase! Feel free to order for the wife, kids, brother, sisters etc. Any further info can be received by contacting myself via PM or email [email protected] Don't miss out! Sizing Chart now Attached! Polo - White black red.pdf Sizing Guide for Polo Shirts.pdf
  15. Mates don't let mates roll on nankangs... Just sayin
  16. Yes, I did mean shift. A little ironic that I promote a product and call it a 'sh!t kit"
  17. Some of the NSW boys may be able to show you. Pretty sure some people down there have it.
  18. Where are you located mate? The auto guys seem to swear by the "Transgo Shit kits" They're supposed to make shifts a whole lot faster and really bring the box to life.
  19. I know. Just stirring.
  20. The Mrs R34 is a 5 seater. It is also a sedan. Does that make a difference?
  21. Grammar Nazi strikes again!
  22. So Alex, is Uprev any good?
  23. The next one should be at lakeside. Just jump on the 2013 vents calendar at sauqld.com
  24. I read that as found a half cut for the wheels. Long day is long.
  25. Time to get it running then!
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