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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Hey guys, One of the more revered members at Aus300zx has fallen victim to an unfortuntate tragedy. Eric's wife is currently in a semi conscious state after dying for 35min and losing a lot of blood (3.5L or so)! All this happened a few days after she gave birth to their 4th child. The guy has had to close down his shop and stay at home as the primary caretaker. Definitely a major loss for them. Eric is the mechanic that a lot of the guys use and definitely knows his stuff and has a lot of credence and respect in their community. You may remember Mike from aus300zx who joins us on different cruises, he's asked me to get you guys to join. They reckon that they can bring 20 Zs for the cruise - lets show them what RBs (and VQs) can do! WHY: A2ZED & WOOSHKA FUNDRAISER CRUISE - BBQ - SHOW & SHINE WHEN: Sunday 3rd of March 2013 WHERE: Meet at Glenaffric St The Gap (there is a nice big carpark there) 9:30 for a 9:45-10 departure WHO: OPEN TO EVERYONE! WHAT TO BRING: CASH! ..lets not beat around the bush here! ENTRY: What you can afford to give per car. Don't be a tight ass. I think a cost per car of $100 might be asking a bit much - so its really whatever you can contribute to the fundraiser.. (Even if its just $98 bucks!....) Seriously though, if thats too much, please just contribute whatever you can! .. like $95 bucks! (or whatever)... Route: Meet at Glenaffric St The Gap (there is a nice big carpark there) at say 9:30 for a 9:45-10 departure. Cruise up over Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious. Stop at the bottom of Mt Glorious in one of the parks for a re-group and stretch of the legs. Continue on to Fernvale Memorial Park on Brisbane Valley highway. Arrive 12ish for a BBQ at 12:30.... everyone can sit around and have a good catchup! Cost for BBQ: $5 for a sausage in bun $10 for a burger $3 for a soft drink "Yes inflated prices but its a fundraiser not a soup kitchen" - Loud'N'Proud Show and Shine 1pm - 2-2.30pm (THERE WILL BE PRIZES!) Then head home via Warrego highway and Ipswich motorway. We make available Wooshka stickers for donations / donating participants so you show off your support with pride! Can you please advise early if you are coming so we can organise catering. Otherwise you might go hungry! (and ill take your money anyway! The guys would be there to help us if we lost one of our own (god forbid), so let's dig in and help them out! Plenty of notice so hope to see you guys there! Cheers, Tony http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/418869-aus300zx-fundraiser-cruise-bbq-show-and-shine-030313/
  2. Hey guys, One of the more revered members at Aus300zx has fallen victim to an unfortuntate tragedy. Eric's wife is currently in a semi conscious state after dying for 35min and losing a lot of blood (3.5L or so)! All this happened a few days after she gave birth to their 4th child. The guy has had to close down his shop and stay at home as the primary caretaker. Definitely a major loss for them. (Full Story is here - http://www.aus300zx....ad.php?t=322395.) Eric is the mechanic that a lot of the guys use and definitely knows his stuff and has a lot of credence and respect in their community. You may remember Mike from aus300zx who joins us on different cruises, he's asked me to get you guys to join. They reckon that they can bring 20 Zs for the cruise - lets show them what RBs (and VQs) can do! WHY: A2ZED & WOOSHKA FUNDRAISER CRUISE - BBQ - SHOW & SHINE WHEN: Sunday, 19th of May 2013 WHERE: Meet at Glenaffric St The Gap (there is a nice big carpark there) 9:30 for a 9:45-10 departure WHO: OPEN TO EVERYONE! WHAT TO BRING: CASH! ..lets not beat around the bush here! ENTRY: What you can afford to give per car. Don't be a tight ass. I think a cost per car of $100 might be asking a bit much - so its really whatever you can contribute to the fundraiser.. (Even if its just $98 bucks!....) Seriously though, if thats too much, please just contribute whatever you can! .. like $95 bucks! (or whatever)... Route: Meet at Glenaffric St The Gap (there is a nice big carpark there) at say 9:30 for a 9:45-10 departure. Cruise up over Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious. Stop at the bottom of Mt Glorious in one of the parks for a re-group and stretch of the legs. Continue on to Fernvale Memorial Park on Brisbane Valley highway. Arrive 12ish for a BBQ at 12:30.... everyone can sit around and have a good catchup! Cost for BBQ: $5 for a sausage in bun $10 for a burger $3 for a soft drink "Yes inflated prices but its a fundraiser not a soup kitchen" - Loud'N'Proud Show and Shine 1pm - 2-2.30pm (THERE WILL BE PRIZES!) Then head home via Warrego highway and Ipswich motorway. We make available Wooshka stickers for donations / donating participants so you show off your support with pride! Can you please advise early if you are coming so we can organise catering. Otherwise you might go hungry! (and ill take your money anyway! The guys would be there to help us if we lost one of our own (god forbid), so let's dig in and help them out! Plenty of notice so hope to see you guys there! Cheers, Tony
  3. Would be perfect-er if it was in QLD.
  4. Your premium usually drops as your driver rating increases. That's the whole rating one thing. At rating 1, you're supposed to be a great driver that never has any issues. Less risk for them. This is usually calculated on driving history. So if you haven't had any incidents in 6? years, then you're at that level and your premium probably won't drop any further. If you start on a level 3, then move to a level 2, your premium would drop a bit.
  5. Excellent thinking 99!
  6. Why? That would end them. A sports car would leave them in a chair.
  7. If you can get receipts for any parts that you source, they should be able to reimburse you. Considering that you've been waiting a while, just say that you found a windsheild, can you reimburse me the $?
  8. Hey Guys, Was great to see a couple of new heads last week. Great food and good company. This week we're heading to the Bayside/East this week. Once again, Thursday night - 31/01 Who: Anyone who wants to come out and chat about cars and current affairs Where: The Cleveland Sands Hotel Corner Middle and Bloomfield St, Cleveland, Q, 4163 When: 7pm, Thursday 31st January Would be great to see you guys again and to get some southerners to duck by and say hi! http://www.clevelandsands.com.au/#/restaurant Follow the topic here: http://www.sauqld.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=3589
  9. Hey Guys, Was great to see a couple of new heads last week. Great food and good company. This week we're heading to the Bayside/East this week. Once again, Thursday night - 31/01 Who: Anyone who wants to come out and chat about cars and current affairs Where: The Cleveland Sands Hotel Corner Middle and Bloomfield St, Cleveland, Q, 4163 When: 7pm, Thursday 31st January Would be great to see you guys again and to get some southerners to duck by and say hi! http://www.clevelandsands.com.au/#/restaurant Follow the topic here: http://www.sauqld.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=3589
  10. Or you could bring it to the next meet.
  11. Hi guys, Looking to buy a pop up screen for my V. All I need is the working mechanism. Doesn't matter if the screens broken/munted/shafted etc. If anyone has one that they are looking at throwing out or getting rid of, let me know. It's for a project Ta!
  12. t5iv

    Gotta Question..

    Damn! Can't beleive that it's sold out. suck donkey scrotum.
  13. You suit the bogans out toowoomba way. LS1 in a R33. Whatcha thinking boy?!
  14. t5iv

    Gotta Question..

    Hahahahaha! Another Dinner and Chat out your way?
  15. Just been busy catching up with different mates all week. would go out for a bit and then have something to eat whilst out. Currently blaming eagle boys pizza.. *shakes fist*
  16. Very nice! Great to see some four-door lovin'
  17. Dayum straight! Has to be grape drank, not grape drink.
  18. t5iv

    Gotta Question..

    Hahahahahaha. No comment about the cat house nick?
  19. Well, quite obviously misread all of that! My bad...
  20. You could go to a 20" legally. Vey skinny tyres though. Might even be able to squeeze a 21 on there. Need to do some maths first.
  21. t5iv

    Gotta Question..

    Nick? He couldn't organise a bang in a brothel with a fist full of fifties. He's talking about the drags at willow bank every Wednesday. Go in, register, run.
  22. Old men arguing... Where's the pop corn?
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