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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Really? Thought that they would appreciate an LS1 monstrosity in a Skyline. Makin' it Aussie mate!
  2. Anyone who isn't a knob is welcome.
  3. Is yours the pop up screen sat nav mate? If so, I want to speak to you.
  4. Hey mate, SAU QLD are organising a number of events throughout the year. We have our weekly catch ups over dinner - usually a Thursday or Friday night. We have a cruise on this Sunday heading up the sunny coast hinterlands. Next month there's happy laps at Lakeside etc. We try and host a few things each month and are growing this at a strong rate. Come to the cruise on Sunday and say hi to the guys. This weeks dinner looks like there might just be a few people (because I've been flat out at work and didn't have time to organise it) but you're more than welcome to join. TTR34 is organising a photoshoot of the R series GT-Rs and he could use a 35 in there. There is a fair amount going on and after there AGM, there should be a lot more. If you've got any further q's, you can PM myself or any other exec, jump onto www.sauqld.com or even cruise on down to the QLD section here. FYI, there were two 35s at our annual charity cruise last year. Speak soon mate!
  5. Joe has a 34 GTR. Don't know if it works though.
  6. That would be the Mrs.
  7. I'm cool like that.
  8. Hey guys, Once again we're looking at organising a weekly catch up over some food. Food, glorious food! Since last week was located at South Bank, thought that we could go to the Inner North this week so the Stafford Tavern seemed like a good option. Who: Anyone who wants to come out and chat about cars and current affairs Where: The Stafford Tavern 51 Webster Road Stafford Qld When: 7pm, Thursday 24th January Would be great to see you guys again!
  9. Why don't we attach this to a dinner and chat night? Do the shoot before and then we all head out to dinner and discuss the photos?
  10. I've seen you driving around. Inner northside?
  11. My grill has been rattle canned in satin black. We sanded it down, prepped it with plastic primer and then put a crap load of coats of satin black on. Very thin coats over the whole weekend. Pretty much a coat every 30-45min or so. Covered it with a few light coats of clear and it's still fine 3 months later. Still looks wicked.
  12. Hi and welcome to the group! Wheels with those specs shouldn't require any guard work on a coupe. I'm sure that there's a recent thread here discussing this. Take a look and all will be revealed.
  13. Thought that he had a V not a Z32?
  14. $5k?! That seems pretty high.
  15. Yup. She's got a R34 and feels the same way so its all good.
  16. Mmmmmmmm. Tax dodge GT-R....
  17. Sad day mate but at least its for the 'greater good.' The girlfriend knows that she'll have to go before the car does at our place.
  18. Go home Merc. You're drunk.
  19. Hit up Smity42. Very nice HR31 there. Don't know if it's on the road though.
  20. FYP. Great initiative mate. Happy to lend a hand if req.
  21. Staggered set up looks cool. The guards are also wider at the rear so wider wheels fill them out a little better.
  22. Now that's diiiiisssshhhhhhhhh
  23. How long have you had the car? Could be an issue of the previous owner pissing someone off and them taking it out on the car...
  24. So it was you next to the 35 GT-R! Thought so
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