Hey mate,
SAU QLD are organising a number of events throughout the year. We have our weekly catch ups over dinner - usually a Thursday or Friday night.
We have a cruise on this Sunday heading up the sunny coast hinterlands.
Next month there's happy laps at Lakeside etc. We try and host a few things each month and are growing this at a strong rate.
Come to the cruise on Sunday and say hi to the guys. This weeks dinner looks like there might just be a few people (because I've been flat out at work and didn't have time to organise it) but you're more than welcome to join.
TTR34 is organising a photoshoot of the R series GT-Rs and he could use a 35 in there.
There is a fair amount going on and after there AGM, there should be a lot more.
If you've got any further q's, you can PM myself or any other exec, jump onto www.sauqld.com or even cruise on down to the QLD section here.
FYI, there were two 35s at our annual charity cruise last year.
Speak soon mate!