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Everything posted by t5iv

  1. Funny you say that. Sean sends me a message here then posts up on my wall to let me know.
  2. t5iv

    Wreaking R33

    Do centre console bits fit in the 34?
  3. Do you have a pic of it on your car in its current state Andrew? Was looking at getting one but if its completely munted after a few months, probably not. However if they aren't really noticeable marks, then could be tempted.
  4. OP probably thought that v series meant v spec. Lol. All good.
  5. Out of curiousity, what fuel do you put in? Any 98? One particular brand? One particular brand from one particular servo?
  6. Nooooiiiiiccccceeeeeeeeeee
  7. Hey Revhead, Can you please change mine to t5iv and on SAUQLD as well? Thanks mate!
  8. Go to Woodridge they said...
  9. I honestly reckon that fuel plays a strongly contributing factor in this. A servo that I very rarely pump at has terrible fuel and that causes a lot of 'stuttering.' The one that I use regularly seems to have good quality fuel and causes a lot less 'stuttering' and the engine doesn't sound like it's about to die (even once warm and in higher revs).
  10. Just thought that you guys might want to duck by and say hi! Hey all, To start off the calendar for 2013, we will be having a casual bbq at wellington point next weekend An easily affordable event for most after the chirstmas period and a good way to catch up Also an opportunity to talk to myself and any other execs about ideas and things you want to see from the club in 2013 Usual sausage sizzle will be the go Sausage & bread - $3 Drinks - $2 I look forward to seeing you all out there Where: Wellington point BBQ area - (Northern point of this MAP) When: Sunday, January 20th - 9am All welcome http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/417747-bbq-at-the-point-2001/
  11. Hey all, To start off the calendar for 2013, we will be having a casual bbq at wellington point this weekend An easily affordable event for most after the Christmas period and a good way to catch up Also an opportunity to talk to myself and any other execs about ideas and things you want to see from the club in 2013 Usual sausage sizzle will be the go Sausage & bread - $3 Drinks - $2 I look forward to seeing you all out there Where: Wellington point BBQ area - (Northern point of this MAP) When: Sunday, January 20th - 9am All welcome, even if you don't own or come in a Skyline. Look forward to seeing you guys there.
  12. Non turbo manual sedans are incredibly rare. If you were to look at auto, there is the r34 gtv. They were a limited edition model and were essentially a GTT minus the turbo. Only thing is, they were all auto. Just a heads up mate.
  13. Used to have an S13. The majority of them need heaps of minor work to get up and running right. Ever since the p plate restrictions came in, the prices went up. From memory, I got mine for $4k. Paint was hopeless but motor was in fairly good nick so it was a trade off.
  14. Live closer to the city? That's always an option...
  15. If you're in Qld, the next on is On the 27th. North side through the sunny coast hinterlands.
  16. Lol. Brisbane is the way to go. The cool people are down here.
  17. 7 min drive into the office. 15 if I drive the other way and pick up my boss.
  18. That sucks Mitch! Got an Australia Day cruise on the 27th in the arvo as well. I'll post details of both a little later today.
  19. Are all you guys coming to the BBQ on the 20th? It's at Wellington point.
  20. We've got a BBQ on at Wellington Point on the 20th. Also a cruise on the 27th. Shall post the relevant threads.
  21. Heard from a mate that Coz is a stand up bloke and does a lot of stuff for the 300zx boys at aus300zx.com. From that, I'd trust him.
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