Method A:
1) Turn IGNITION on (but don't start car)
2) After the AIR BAG warning lamp lights for 7 seconds, turn IGNITION off within 1 second.
3) Wait 4 seconds
4) Turn IGNITION on (but don't start car)
5) After the AIR BAG warning lamp lights for 7 seconds, turn IGNITION off within 1 second.
6) Wait 4 seconds
7) Turn IGNITION on (but don't start car)
8) After the AIR BAG warning lamp lights for 7 seconds, turn IGNITION off within 1 second.
9) Wait 4 seconds
10) Turn IGNITION on (but don't start car)
11) Wait 3 seconds
12) Turn IGNITION off
13) Wait 2 seconds
14) START Car (the light may be blinking slower than before)
15) Wait 3 seconds
16) Turn IGNITION off
17) Wait 3 seconds
18) START Car
Method B:
To reset the light simply turn the iginition to the on position, (you dont need to start it). All the lights should stay on for thier diagnostic check. As soon as the airbag light goes off, before it starts flashing, immeditatly turn the car off. Repeat this 3 or 4 times (turning to on then off) and the light should go away
Sourced from G35Driver - Thanks G35man04 and SFLG35