Already have about 15 confirmed.
Pete mentioned that the Shell is on the wrong side of the motorway. There's a maccas over there with a lot of parking, on the right side of the motorway, that we'll meet up at. Same time. 5:30pm
Sit at maccas. Drink a lot of beer. Act like a tool. When mumslayer arrives with his mates, they can put you in the back and take you away. They conveniently have a 4-door.
Welcome to the group!
There are some good examples on car sales but it can also be a waiting game, waiting for the perfect one to pop up.
Some of the guys here are looking at selling, so that may be an option.
Where are you located?
Excellent mate. We could have cruises, overnight/ camping trips, happy laps, motorkhana or drinks nights.
We want to get all QLD members involved. Lets get things organised and make 2013 a rocking year!
Great to see you guys interested. Shall make the booking this week. Can you jump on the thread in the events section and post if you're coming? Then if others see it, they may duck along as well.
We've already got 8 people in from the SAUQLD site ( - because that's where the cool kids hang.
Who else wants to join in?
Edit: ill book a table for 20-25 this week. Can we fill it? Last week the table was for 15 and we were pretty damn close!
Sausage was good. We had about 13 people turn up to the German club and enjoy sausage and other German 'food' products. Scott enjoyed it so much that he found it appropriate to take my sausage as well - you will never be forgiven.
We are going for a road trip to Ipswich next Friday. This will give us a chance to meet some of our brethren from Toowoomba and the outer western suburbs.
Since people will be coming from different areas, I reckon that we should catch up at Shell on the corner of Railway Tce and Ipswich Motorway in Goodna.
What: Dinner and Chat at Ipswich
Where: Pancake Manor
When: 07:30pm, Friday 23 November
Would be great to see all of you there!
Sausage was good. We had about 13 people turn up to the German club and enjoy sausage and other German 'food' products. Scott enjoyed it so much that he found it appropriate to take my sausage as well - you will never be forgiven.
We are going for a road trip to Ipswich next Friday. This will give us a chance to meet some of our brethren from Toowoomba and the outer western suburbs.
Since people will be coming from different areas, I reckon that we should catch up at Shell on the corner of Railway Tce and Ipswich Motorway in Goodna.
What: Dinner and Chat at Ipswich
Where: Pancake Manor
When: 07:30pm, Friday 23 November
Would be great to see all of you there!