In my younger days, when I had gthe dirty s13, we can all assume what occured.
Numerous times I travelled to court and pleaded dfor section 10.
s10 1 a is the most common and only in wavering situations are the others even considered.
Now, if the case is dismissed outright, then how is it possible to attract demerit points or any other form of fine.
You have been basically let off.
This is one of those issues that's a bit here and there.
My best suggestion is to call a few solicitors and speak to them directly.
The only time s10 1b and 1c apply is if the magistrate is a wnker or they dont like you.
Other than that, the client has claimed and has evidence to prove the fact that he has not had any incidents in over 5 years of active driving, and he is not a reckless immature p plater, hence your honor, it has been made apparent to the court that he was in an unfamiliar area and unaware of the conditions. This combined with the fact that it was very late in the evening demonstrates that he was not intentionally commiting an offence. To elaborate on this, being in an unknown area near midnight, he was navigating the roads carefully and ensuring that he was maintaining the speed limit, a moments lapse of judgement resulted in him failing to notice the Bus Lane sign, until it was too late. According to my clients claims, he was unware that the area was a bus lane until a few weeks later when he received the notification of the incident. Being a man of upmost charecter, as his references demonstrate, he returned to the area whilst the sun was up and noted that it was infact a bus lane. Now your honor, my client has pleaded guilty and has not attempted to pull the wool over the court's eyes and has ensured that he is present at the time of the hearing. Being that this is his first offence in over 5 years, and that he is a responsible person, I do plea to the court to grant a s10 1a. Thank you, your honor.
Ahh, miss law classes.