+1 to beer barons comments
no need for so much negativity towards joe, you done a good job and put it together
it sounds more like the guys that bored the block and gapped the rings etc.. you just put it together, so how is it all your fault?? gees
Sounds like the bores could be poorly machined and rough as hell and the rings poorly gapped or just not sealing off very well, ive had that before when i left it in the hands on a machine shop, some of them are obviously rough necks that do an shit job of it, im not saying they have, just saying its quite possible.. Cant trust workshops to give you perfect clearances, always double check there work cause its a precision job, not a rough neck, she'll be right process.
450rwhp sounds pretty decent though, doesnt sound that bad to throw in the towel on it.. and not tuners fault, he cant control blow by and oil control..
so like beer baron said, compression test will likely show up whats going on
good luck and stick with it..