Hey Guys,
I have been looking for a GTT badge now for a while with no luck at all.
The only one I have found is this from the UK:
However I have emailed a few times to see if they will post to Australia with no luck...
So in my frustration I started emailing a few ebay sellers to see if they could make a GTT one instead of the GTR ones.
I have emailed him and asked if he can make up some GTT metal stickers, he has replied with the following:
" Hello ,thank s for your message ,i see the picture,we surely can make up a GTT Nismo Metal.
But we need make a Metal modle for this item,it may a little expansive,Could you tell me how many items you need?So i can give my best offer to you.thank you very much."
So just wanted to know if anyone else is interested in this or any other ways I can get my hands on a GTT badge/sticker ?