Thats the ex High Performance Imports magazine project car......
the car used to belong to Ben Ellis the editor of the mag........apparently it has been sold........
well like I said I was only running low boost.....if I ran 0.9bar which is what the car is tuned for than might have been a different story
hmm interesting....I gotta run ben one day......last time I checked I think I had a few more mods than him.....
hahaha yeah I started in 3rd but no car is not stock...turbo is.
exhaust, fmic, power fc and ebc done....but I was only running 0.7bar of boost...
giving the turbo a rest after the nasho run...
hahaha yeah I started in 3rd..........
is it a 2jz or 1jz ???
mintie told me it was a 2......but I have friend who reckons he "knows" you and says its a 1
pfft...thats jealousy right there......
phil....were you in a sky ???
I dont recall seeing one at that intersection...... I was coming back from the nasho run....
?UESTLOVE........DAYAAAM your cars got some balls.........
what turbo you got in that thing ???? seemed a lil took you awhile to spool up and zoom past me !
hmmm what exactly do you mean by that ??
Ive had a few friends get things done by them and I have had work done by them as well. There service seem to be fine and they did an awesome job on fixing my rear bar. (some guy hit it while it was parked)
Could you PM me about any issues you have with them ?
As im very interested to know....cause I was contemplating going into a deal with them.
oh come on give me a break......its black right next car will be black also.....
I mean if im going for a full respray anyways might as well try a different colour......
hahaha youll change your mind once you see it in candy red....
If I DO stay black....its not going to be a nissan black.......there is a paint called "Special Black" and its the BLACKEST black you can blue or purple tinge just pure black.