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About levinboy

  • Birthday 24/07/1989

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    R33 GTR
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  1. Hey all just a friendly update PayPal is now available on the SAUNSW website If you have any questions regarding tech regs and what's required feel free to PM me and I can help you out
  2. R35 GTRs for wedding march 25th Looking for 2-3 r35 GTRs for my mates wedding march 25th let me know if interested can give more details thanks Nick
  3. WTB BCNR33 Drivers seat As title states looking for a good condition drivers seat purple stitch not series 3 red stitch thanks nick
  4. Oh wow yea get that checked don't want that happening all the time As long it drove home with no issues is the main thing
  5. Hey Ben did the boost controller give the error again after we had a look at it?? Did really well mate once you get comfortable with the car times will drop Nick
  6. If you have any questions you Aren't sure about PM me and I'll help you out, I'll be scruitineering on the day
  7. Hey everyone if you have any questions or topics you would like covered, post up in this thread so we can make sure we cover it for you
  8. Bring your helmet too
  9. I have 272 by 10.8 cams on a 2.6 with -9 turbos and have full boost 21psi by 3800rpm on 98
  10. Yea that was the reason.......
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