Hi there. a long while ago i asked if it was possible to put a sr20det into an r31. well i didnt get many answers so i decided to go ahead anyway. i got all the wiring working and ecu, fuel pump ect, got an s13 Xmember in it but now my problem is getting the steering rack to work. i got an s13 PS rack because the r31 rack did not fir onto the crossmember. the s13 rack is bolted to the crossmember currently but i am having some issues with the tie rod ends. when i had the 2 racks out of the car i lined them bot up and they were the same length. but now in my car with the s13 stuff the front wheels wont line up. like 1 wheel is straight and the other side is off the the left or right a bit. i have wound in the tie rod as far as they go but no luck. can any one help i am geting desperate here. please. thanks