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Everything posted by gtr_scottie

  1. went out of abit of a crusie for the first time getting the bad girl back on the road. Saw a white r34, 2 r32 gtrs in the foreshore one was a nice clean and tidy gun metal grey one the other one was a silver and had a mad misfire problem fix that shit up lol
  2. they come in the kit with the springs. i know the type b's do anyways. Mine type b kit was like $800 i think from memory
  3. Get the titanium retainers as well mate with the extra pressure of the upgraded valve springs you will split the standard retainers and i got the tomei type b valve springs and they come with the retainers.
  4. gah those wheels are becoming to comman lol i bought those same wheels 12 months ago when not many people had them. But they do look awesome
  5. Heard it in person all i can say it is automotive pornography it is gonna be insane
  6. i got these awesome photos in a email today at work, it is some serious shit yourself moments while landing at a airshow in the states one tyre blows and the other one blew straight after putting it into a slide.
  7. Paul is a extremely lucky bloke, i just got off the phone to him he seems to be doing alright considering he still has to see doctors daily for blood tests and ect. It just shows you how important it is to read the msd sheets with the chemicals and wear the approate ppe
  8. Paul from hunter and thomas is ok however my experience with him has not been good, miss diagnosed acouple of simple faults which i should not have been so lazy and done the work myself. Skaza automotive at cardiff are good and do a bit of performance work or you can give paul from red r racing a email and see if he will do the work or at least check it over for you he knows gtrs inside and out. His web site is www.twoogle.com.au
  9. Front pipes sold to me thanks mate
  10. Hi all i require a good standard or 20 thou over bore rb26 block, preferably in the newcastle or sydney area. Hit me up with what you have and price cheers scottie
  11. very very nice you got to be happy with that
  12. I will be there if work dosent rope me into something i cant get out of lol
  13. which dealership and i think its been there for alittle while
  14. nitto is the best for the money, i was going to run a nitto but got a hks one cheap
  15. how much for one posted to waratah nsw 2298 cheers
  16. hey mate whould you take $150 posted to west waratah 2298 nsw i would have pm'd you but i havent figured it out yet lol cheers scottie
  17. awesome stuff mate. I know how much work is involved in striping a engine bay never alone a hole car and than rebuild it. All the blood sweet and tears will be worth it in the long run.
  18. They are a easy box from memory when i did mine. You will need 4 jack stands a decent jack, decent set of spanners and socket set with extentions and oil drain bucket. And a strong mate this is how i do it 1. Disconnect the battery 2. Remove gear shift boot 3. Remove the gear selector by undoing the circlip 2. Jack up the car as high as you can and put the stands under. make sure it is stable before getting under it. 4. Drain the oil out of the box if you are replacing the box or its oil 3. Undo the bolts on the tail shaft and remove it 4. Unbolt the clutch slave and tie it to one side 4. Than i undo the starter motor and leave the wiring connected to one side where it wont fall 5. Undo the bottom bell housing bolts leave 2 easy accessible bolts in just loosen them. 6. Undo the gearbox cross member and drop the back of the box down 7. Disconnect the wiring and the seedo sender 8. Get your extensions and go from the back of the box to undo the top bell housing bolts. 9. Now get your mate under there with you and undo the final bell housing bolts and using a pry bar or a big screw driver and leaver the box from the back of the motor with your mate holding the back of the box up level. Be careful as they can come quickly or sometimes be a real bastard if it is not coming you have more than likely missed a bolt once it is separating from the motor pull it back and it should drop out they are pretty heavy. and thats all there is to it someone that knows what they are doing should have it out easily in a hour and a half
  19. i got my pon cam type b's from high octane in Sydney for a reasonable price around $700 $800 give them a ring it is worth getting the valve springs as well but they are expencive due to them having titanium retainers. I cant remember how much they where i have spent alot of money on my motor and lost track lol
  20. sorry cant make it, had a ball on the last one but the motor is getting droped into it this weekend just bad timing and set backs
  21. some before and after photos of the engine bay Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  22. engine bay is reassembled today thanks to my mate joshy for giving me a hand its all starting to come together hopefully can drop the motor in this weekend coming photos up tomorrow
  23. just jap have them
  24. acouple more photos of the short motor
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