I'm the individual responsible for destroying Boxhead's R32.
Im sure most of you are expecting the story to relate to dangerous driving and speed. But both Michael & I know I wasn't speeding and it was just an accident.
So what happened??? as we approached the corner I braked and released. Then midway through the rear was upset and broke free, I counter steered as best I could but we slid sideways into a white refelective marker post and then into a cane field drain, the car started rolling and came to rest on its roof.
As far as injuries go, both Mic and I got ourselves out of the wreck and walked away. I must say today Im feeling it, for those who don't know I'm a big boy over 6ft tall and as you can see from the pictures there aint much headroom left. The fact that we rolled twice and neither of us even required stitches should give some idea of how we werent speeding. (of course if the drain hadn't been there we would have spun off into a dirt field and driven home)
So I now owe Micheals mum a sum of money, which it took a while to sink in but I now realise how lucky I was not to owe her a son.
To finish of the night I get fined for Neglegent driving, $180 and 3 points. I must say I've know friends in single car accidents in QLD and they havent been fined, I didn't cause damage to anything apart from Mic, Myself and his car. I dont get that?
So ends the post I had hoped to never have to write