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Everything posted by Nizman

  1. Do you think this is photochop'd? (**** Off to Andrew if this was posted before) :wassup:
  2. ok and that certainly answers that...goodbye
  3. ching ching SOLD
  4. what are ya 12 Andrew? GROW UP (I withdraw my statement if you are suffering from a mentall illness or was dropped on your head as a child)
  5. again with the welcome to last year/millenium crap who cares fools, someone might not have seen it pfft whatever
  6. Not all of the photos are of a 14 cylinder, most are of 12's and 8's, but you get the idea.
  7. Presenting the most powerful engine in the world, a product of Aioi Works of Japan's Diesel United, Ltd. Strickly a boat engine, this moster of epic proportions is primarily used to power super tankers and other large boats of that nature that require a single engine, single prop set up. The main advantage of an engine like this is that is all on piece, no need to have complex differential linking engines together and it is very thermodynamic, i.e. it turns more combustion energy into kinetic energy, as opposed to just heat. It is actually twice as efficient as a car's engine. But it still gets poor mileage, guzzling 1660 gallons of fuel an hour. CHECK OUT THE ATTACHED PIC'S :crazy: :cooldance:
  8. Needs more TURBOS
  9. ucking oath mate, he certainlly will. I woke up at 2:45 Monday morning and watched the USGP live, I have no problem at all doing this even with working that day, as long as I get to see my beloved F1. (No comments on the features of VCR's pls :Oops: ) But at 4:25am with 6 or sumfing laps to go, the Costworth lets go again and Marko gets another DNF while in a point paying position. So I guess one thing is for sure out of all this Mark WILL goto another team.
  10. Yes, yes I did.... and I just replied to it
  11. hey Christian, if this deal doesn't work out.... I'll take that SDRAM of your hands for $20
  12. For Sale The entire Macromedia library for 2003. That its: Macromedia Authorware 6.5 Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Macromedia Extreme 3D 2.0 Macromedia Fireworks MX Macromedia Flash MX Comes with Reference & Tutorial. Urgent Sale, will take $100 for each one. PM's only please Nizman
  13. whores
  14. that is all
  15. um no
  16. hello my next car :wassup:
  17. I remember wizball and I saw it emulated recently on a tricked up X-box. my favourite old school games: Grand Prix Circuit, BattleHawks 1942 & BoulderDash on the amstrad64
  18. very professional photos...well done
  19. yes I am Christian, I have photos in my user gallary, but that isnt displayed under my avatar.
  20. Has this problem been Solvered?
  21. Nizman


    From the album: Nizman's Gallery

    Brisbane Int Motorshow
  22. Nizman


    From the album: Nizman's Gallery

    Brisbane Int Motorshow
  23. Nizman

    urabus rally car

    From the album: Nizman's Gallery

    Brisbane Int Motorshow
  24. Nizman


    From the album: Nizman's Gallery

    Brisbane Int Motorshow
  25. Nizman

    Cool Bike

    From the album: Nizman's Gallery

    Brisbane Int Motorshow
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