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Everything posted by Cupcake

  1. who to? this was my mrs 32, we sold it to ryan... miss it and i know she was gonna hit you up to buy it back
  2. DUde, list up specs or atleast a reciept or proof!
  3. pics of hks evc3 to my inbox please
  4. dunno what it is. got it for free from wolfwood, Apparently its a ser3 bar.. i have no idea. id love to find those lights that go in the side. or the covers. still need non projectors.
  5. new dubs. car has come off the road for a big upgrade.
  6. if you are building this motor (or your mate who doesnt have a breaker bar :s ) you will soon know what you need. but incase u dont. head gasket, rocker seals half moons exhaust water pump front main and cam seals are all the same seal so x3 rear main other than that - hylomar, permatex blue/gray/red for hot side will get you through.
  7. PWND in forest lake. I waved at you from my old ladies soarer!. have to go for a cruise one of these days.
  8. I bought a rb25det power fc, was on a ser1... will it work on a ser 2? what do i have to do to make it work? car is a rb25det converted cef, plugged it in nothing.. got told cos my wiring conversion isnt complete that it wont run cos it needs a fair few wires joined... any ideas?
  9. might be sold for $500 full kit. front is blue sides and rear are in primer.
  10. if i get abit more interest i will post some pics!
  11. contact vance hes in cabolutre has a fair few half cuts and motors - 0434284753 till him the big fella sent you.
  12. serious offer 2k cash. pm me either way
  13. bit steep in price.. pm me realistic price!
  14. drifteks less tyres? 265 is way to big for me.. 1k cash and im local?
  15. yeah ill get pics up soon. Id say 500-700 pending condition is a going rate. Id take somewhere inbetween that!
  16. have full genuines plastic.. front is cut for fmic.... who wants? wahts it worth?
  17. ive had mine called a chaser, a maxima, what the f**k is it? got pulled over by a police van 6 of them get out, asked if it had a 2jz and what it was. Best thing ever, cefs in brisbane arent rare but you dont see them like 33's so when i saw an old as couple driving one i was like f**k yeah, then by chance i was filling up my cef when the old people rolled in, i noticed 32gtr brakes, cooler and i asked the guy 'is this yours, wahts in it?' his reply 'no its my sons, im from nz this is the car he gave us to drive on our holiday, its got a 3litre twin turbo thing' I shook my head and was like.... wtf and said 'can i look under the bonnet' RB26/30 i was like wtf!!! and he gave it curry leaving the servo!!
  18. lol mw.
  19. Cupcake

    Crazy Wheels

    coming from a 400hp rb25 cef it would be nice to have aircon. some people choose to drive hyundai's i choose to drive what i enjoy.
  20. Cupcake

    Crazy Wheels

    Lol im trying to buy this to replace my rb25 cef as my daily. its sick!
  21. As topic suggests rb20det motor, has intake plenum. rings are gone. not sure wat cylinder - blow by is bad. - $100 Rb20det turbo 10psi max! 120.000km - 150 can include dump, lines, exhaust manifold etc. located brisbane southside - pm me
  22. tin98 white/black 34 this arvo SXL32 on compton road the other day
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