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  1. SAU VIC Has hired the Fox Classic Car Collection this year for our annual membership renewal day AGM (Annual general Meeting). https://www.foxcollection.org.au/home This event is open to all SAU members and their family free of charge, if your membership is expiring you will be required to renew beforehand or on the day with us to get free entry. For members who have paid their renewal already or renew on the day you will get a choice of picking what colour stickers you want and collect along with your new card. This is also open to new members who want to join and attend on the day so if you have a friend who has been thinking about joining pass this onto them. Date: Sunday March 30th 2025 When: Sunday 26th of March 9:30-11:30 (AGM 11am) Where : Fox Classic Car Collection 749-755 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008 You can park your car in the private car park so bring out your weekend toys! This event is open to all SAU members and their family free of charge, if your membership is expiring you will be required to renew beforehand or on the day with us to get free entry. For members who have paid their renewal already or renew on the day you will get a choice of picking what colour stickers you want and collect along with your new card. SAU Victoria Annual General Meeting The 2025 SAU Vic elections will be held via Annual General Meeting at the Members & renewal day on the 26th March 2022 At this meeting, the new Committee for 2025 will be elected the annual report and financial position of the club will be presented. All Committee positions are up for voting and nomination. However it will only be the Executive Committee who gets voted in on the night of the AGM. The Executive committee will then pick the general committee as they see fit from the members who are nominated here. Nominations can only be made by financial members of SAU-Vic. (Skylines Australia Victoria If you would like to be involved on the Committee, please nominate yourself. If you think someone else would be great in a Committee role - please nominate them. For a nomination to be valid it must be seconded by a current Club Member and the person must accept the nomination. Don't be scared - this is a great way to get more involved with your club. The Committee is currently structured as such: Executive Committee roles: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer General Committee roles: Social Events Motorsport Events Graphics and Digital promotion Again, this is a great way to be a part of your club. All current financial members are eligible. All committee members have to stand down and be re-nominated and re-elected - so everyone has the ability to be involved. Please post any queries or nominations in this thread. Role Descriptions Executive Committee roles: President This is the clubs leader. This person is responsible for the clubs "public" face appearance. Their responsibility is to ensure the club is heading and following the direction that the members want. They should also show good leadership examples to other committee members and delegate tasks to the general committee. The President should endeavor to run all of the monthly general meetings. Vice President This is the clubs second in command role. This person is responsible for day to day running of the various "departments" of the club. They act as a fill in for when the President is absent from meeting, events and other appearances. They also cover any absences for any decision-making requirements and processes. Secretary Responsible for all club mail, notices, memberships, member inquiries, member questions and bulletins. The secretary should also track our various club affiliation agreements (insurance etc) and ensure all of the club information is up to date and correct. The secretary should also handle all memberships add/changes/deletes Treasurer The treasurer is responsible for the clubs trading funds and bankroll. It is their responsibility to ensure funds for events, purchases, stock, merchandise, deposits etc is handled correctly. All money transfers, transactions, purchases need to be logged and recorded for our regular balance checks and yearly reviews. This person has direct access to the SAU bank account and financial data. This person is called upon also when cross planning events and new ideas to ensure adequate funds and capacity is available. As we are non profit car club this role is very important and all steps must be taken to protect the clubs money.
  2. Entry list updated
  3. WTB R34: coupe boot lid and passenger door in good condition. Prefer silver but will consider other colours in VIC preferably
  4. Meanwhile you could come down for a coffee tomorrow. Details in the events section
  5. Saturday 8th February 2025 8:30am Capped 26 entries Standard Entry Fee: $89 Members Entry Fee: $55 (SAU Victoria Only) Entries Close: Thursday 6th February 8th Where: 55 beach road Avalon. https://maps.app.goo.gl/HNUE3EuNue3sJxh38 Supp Regs: TBC Disclaimer: Download Please electronically sign and email to [email protected] or print and hand in and Driver Sign In. email [email protected] To compete in this event you will require A valid AASA General Speed licence or (Day license via the AASA Website) MA Licenses are no longer accepted by AASA https://aasa.com.au/ A helmet, long sleeve clothing and it is reccomended a 1KG mounted fire extinguisher (But not Mandatory). Further details within Supp Regs Above. You can bring and have a passenger in the car but they need to comply to the same safety and clothing as driver. Entry Link >> https://www.sauvic.com.au/entry/deca/20250208 Entry List: 1. Martin Sullivan 2. Richard Hicks 3. Warren Clark 4. Luca Stamatescu 5. Tony Buckland 6. Min Chan 7. Alix 8. Josh Miller 9. Ben Simmons 10. Melissa 11.Leon 12. Michael Dunbar 13. Patrick 14 Liam N 15. Peter Canfield 16. Sime 17. Kenneth Galea 18. Srdjan Simeunovic 19. Luc Beeming 20. Luke Schulze 21. Simon Cox 22. Aj 23. Allan Lim Lim 24. Rhys 25.William Fettke 26.Jessee Reserve list 1. 2.
  6. Time: Saturday 18th January - 9am -10:30am Where: Cafe By Lamanna 10 English St, Essendon Fields VIC 3041 - https://g.co/kgs/mhVKvAB Registration: So we can give the cafe a heads up on rough booking numbers please rsvp below Registration Link: https://forms.gle/wPtfj9Gp8bvCiouo8
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  7. Good turnout and some old faces.
  8. You lads should come tomorrow. https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/485879-cruse-this-sunday-20th-october/
  9. This Sunday 20th of October we invite SAU VIC members and friends on a cruise out the south east. Time: 9am for 9:30 depart Meet location: BP Outbound 65 Princess hwy Officer https://maps.app.goo.gl/4YguejCPCBAo77Ee9 Heading to: Noojee for a quick stop and back around to Launching place and or Gembrook depending on what people want to do. Mild twisties ~ 150 - 200k trip. Registration: As this event will be run under a Motorsport Australia permit so to participate you will need to be an existing SAU member or, sign up on the day for 24 hours for a gold coin donation on the day. Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/sauvictoria
  10. How much, and what will spool be like on my VL
  11. Was good to see you at Aus time attack. Nothing better than hear an RB sing! Even more fun giving Brad shit at the pub on Sunday night.
  12. Yeah back online, big job to get that stuff onto a new Wiki but probably needs to be done.
  13. Full results via link below https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1inu1mRRO0WjV2-3vGYsjnmYggVOzmApWOby68GwPGcI/edit?usp=sharing
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