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Everything posted by acsplit

  1. Oh you don't get the joke, Piggaz car shit a starter motor while it was there stopping Scott from tuning it.
  2. Scott's Dyno magically kills starter motors. *Looks at the emtron fanboy with his gtr*
  3. Must be going for over 450kw, Don't say too much Benji might stop tuning and begin a motor build.
  4. Not at all. Smart business and I am sure that they will retire selling purple alternator brackets to stupid GT-R owners in the US. I hope you got rev27.2 for your engine though.
  5. Ooft, this thread is lacking a random coloured engine brace. No chance it will get the likes and shares he wants. #blessed #makeitfrombilletandtheywillbuyit. #useyourcustomerseforr&d
  6. But then you won't get Instagram likes for your #megadon fuel system #1200hpfuelsystem. #300kw car #blessed
  7. When we order a moeytec for it.
  8. And labels on the core of the turbos? Do you know what model hks turbo they were?
  9. But all GT-R's in Sydney blow up at the track from oil starvation... Yet in VIC a lot more survive...
  10. This will be junk, No anodized brackets, LS alternator or Hypertune plenum.
  11. Check your email for invite to our May virtual meet with a very special garage tour of some very fast cars. Discussion for the evening will be: - Update on Club permit scheme - Update on Events - Garage Tour - Show us some cool parts or memorabilia (bring something along if you have to show) - Quizz
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  12. Friday night watching for anyone interested.
  13. From the event in Goulburn!
  14. While we can't drive our cars we thought it might be time to dive into the archives. This is a premier of the SAU Nationals 2012 that will only be live for this Friday night, perfect viewing while in isolation. Grab some drinks and snacks and tune in Via our YouTube channel. (You can set a reminder in YouTube and subscribe if you want to see more content) Date: Friday 8th May Time: 8-9.15pm YouTube Link:
  15. Thanks for everyone who tuned in, Subscribe and click the bell to get notification for SAU Nationals 2012 that will premiere next Friday night.
  16. While we can't drive our cars we thought it might be time to dive into the archives. This is a premier of the SAU Nationals 2011 that will only be live for this Friday night, perfect viewing while in isolation. Grab some drinks and snacks and tune in Via our YouTube channel. (You can set a reminder in YouTube and subscribe if you want to see more content) Date: Friday 1st May Time: 8-9.15pm Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/_ZZr_fxgVZY Calendar link if you want to add to your device Here
  17. Thanks to all the members who attend at late notice, i hope you enjoyed the update and it was great to see some others people's "addictions". Congratulations to our winners of the quizz. Keep an eye out for an invite to our private premier of the 2012 SAU Nationals on YouTube Friday night next week. For May we are working on a very cool live " Garage Tour"...
  18. Hey guys, We are having a virtual meet on this Thursday 23rd April 7:30 - 9pm We will have a quiz at the end of the night where members can win some NISMO and SAU merchandise. - Update on Club memberships - Update on Club permit scheme - Discussion around events that were planned and new events going forward. - Show us some cool parts or memrobilia - Quizz Link sent via email.
  19. That came out great, I am looking for options because I can't run my non airbag sparco on the street.
  20. Very Nice! *Borat emoji*
  21. Hey Robin, Where are you located I have a mate who will take the coilpacks
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