All R32, R34 and even R35s are over priced. The reason why they are still asking so high is because all the GTR noobs think they are some top shit. Only r33 gtrs are sortta in the reasonable price range. People are still asking 50s for their 99 model r34 V spec where they really should of been in the 30s. When you think about it, they are f**ken 13 years old! What buyer should realise is, if every GTR buyer on the market could see pass its "GTR" badge to its realistic value according to their age, and not wiling to pay over 40k for a 34 gtr, that's when those 34 gtrs price will drop and drop, untill the price buyers are willing to pay....if sellers don't want to drop, then they can drive their beloved gtr for the rest of their life....and I garanteee they will get desperate. Also don't ever care whe seller says "oh im not in rush to sell". Bullsh**t, otherwise why would they post it up for sale in the 1st place....However this r32 asking price isn;t too bad though at least the seller says he will consider people's offers. And looks pretty clean for what it is too. So the seller seems pretty sensible and reasonable to his sale so Good luck.