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Everything posted by 5ky

  1. so there should be at least one ship a week that goes to austtralia that should have enough space to put the container on?
  2. whats a RORO? car carrier? lol...well i didnt know who my broker bought it car off but later somehow i found out it was from www.kobecars.com lol.. from david zozuk... i saw my car ppics in the site haha lol...how much roughly for a container if u know?
  3. hey re2.. yes i bought it off a local broker...also i am wondering how much would it cost? and the most important thing is that would it be shipped right away? as in 1-2 weeks time after i get it on a container? rather then wait for a car carrier? because i have talked to a guy whos car was at the same port as me and he bought it from the same supplier in japan and it took him 8 months to getting his car here.... if i shipped through a container would this be heaps faster? and it doesnt matter if anything gets stolen as the car is stock so theres nothing to steal off it....i just want to get the car here asap...waited long enough lolz..
  4. i bought a car off davd zozuk already from kobecars.....and as some of u guys said.. kobe port is a bad port because not many ships goes through it? i been waiting liek 4 months and still no ships... is this because of the port thats its in? just wondering what if i put it on a container, would there be more ships with spaces that i can chuck my car on?
  5. has anyone bought a car off david zulek in japan? his website is www.kobecars.com i want to know pples experiences with him.. thanks
  6. looking for a full working turbo timer.. MUST BE IN SYD.. thanks
  7. looking for a brand new air filter for a r33 gts-t.. or near new.. MUST BE IN SYDNEY... looking for a APexi Power intake or a Blitz pod.. MUST BE IN SYD.. thanks
  8. any1 got any info on shippings at kobe port? and what shipping companies?
  9. yeh my 1st time so yeh.. but if i add all the excuses up.. they dont match at all? u get wat i mean...1st they say cars been boooked for a ship already... next thing they say theres no ships avaible yet....it doesnt make sense..how can u book in for a ship when theres no ships?
  10. Hi, just wondering if anyone has imported a car but it seems like that they will never see the car? what steps did you take? well i have paid and imported a car through a broker and it has now been over 3 months and what i have been getin is lame excuses that no ships or still waiting or ships canceled..blah blah..this has been dragging on for a while..i am just wondering somehow if this doesnt turn out, what can i do? can i take legal action?help plzz also my broker owns a business that import cars and i have all paperwork that i paid for the car... help plz
  11. well mines been more then 3 months since i paid for the car...and i been gettin lame excuses that there are no ships coming from kobe port....any1 got any info on that? ship schedules from kobe port to brisbane?..
  12. any1 waiting for a ship in kobe port? or has any information about it?its been 3 months and still no ships from kobe port...any1 have any info on it? btw im from syd
  13. price reducted 2 $900 qwik sale
  14. updated: now with pics and specs.. clarion model number TVX6651 http://www.clarion.com.au/Car/index.html for specs and pics of the tv.. and for the slimart dvd pics here http://www.geocities.com/iori2171/dvdplay.jpg arh i need the money asap...... its in A1 condition and works great
  15. clarion 6.5` flip screen with built in receiver to watch tv autobahn sellin retail $1399 slimart dvd player.. attachs to the clarion tv to watch dvds,vcds..etc retail $300 selling both for $1000 hav pics EDiT: PRICE REDUcED TO $900 Quick Sale
  16. this car is pretty cheap man.. if the car was in syd.. i definiitly be very very interested in it... good luck with the sales
  17. bro if this car was in syd i buy it.. but ur located in perth.. i cbf doing all the hassles just to get it over here in syd.. sorry dude.. good luck with the sale
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