hi all
i'm new new here but i did own a skyline a few years back, now mr familys looking to import a delica
with 4 kids i'm on a budget, the old pajero nf has had her day, been in contact with several aussies working for or running auction agent businesses inc lachlan from http://www.autotraderimports.com/auction and phil cathcart http://www.directimported.com.au/about-dir...uto-brokers.php
try this site, awesome for historical auction price data mining but you only get 7 days http://jpctrade.com/
i reckon i can manage sorting the customs bit, (friend is a customs agent), so that leaves the big one, finding a reputable RAW - my inner skeptic says thats one without a car yard attached.
ive sussed raws.com.au . there are a couple mobility@hornsby, top gear@darra qld
i realise the regular brokers - performance, kieran iron chef, j-spec, (nice site), 101, to name just some of the better ones, probably want to keep this stuff up their sleeve, however, if youve done a diy import, and had a positive compliance experience would you please respond with a post or a pm (not sure if i can get pms as this is my first post...?)
perhaps even if youve had a poor experience postit so i can omit them
thanks in advance
ps great site, will be letting the crustys at delica.com know you guys have got your import s..t together
pps yes - not all raws will have the evidence packages for delicas, but its a start, i appreciate your advice