Thanks Woo!
Was a tad disappointing to have a simple issue put us out of the running so early in the event, but we still managed to have fun and felt fortunate that we were able to rejoin. After getting back into the event on stage 4 we decided not too push to hard as there was no point in risking a trip into the trees. Come sunday when Mr Ayers got back into the fray we both came to an agreement that we would hold our own personal contest with the loser to be the buyer of beers, this was the carrot that did the trick and I believe we managed to come away 1 second victors!
It's amazing how this sprint event gets so much faster each year, we made up almost 1.5 minutes on last year (without pushing too hard on Saturday) and I believe that with that extra pace we may have still struggled to finish on the podium given the stage times set by the front runners, hats off to everyone, they set some impressive stage times.
This was going to be my last rally as I was going to head down the circuit racing path, but after a missed opportunity due to a $2 part fail and being reminded yet again that the thrill factor from tarmac rally eclipses anything that circuit racing offers, I may have to come back for another shot!
My poor old car is getting a little tired (it was down 3psi on boost all weekend) and had a bad case of turbo wear last circuit meet. It might be time for a freshen up.
Looking like I might be heading back to school for the remainder of the year so TT will be out, hopefully we can make another comeback ready for TWP 14. are spot on about having the car in one piece, I'm not exactly sure how it would have played out after the mechanical issue and the 20 minute penalty, but I'm sure a point would have been attempted to be made, that possibly may not have ended well !!