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About mrcruzi

  • Birthday 28/08/1969

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  • Interests
    skylines!,, snowboarding,, travel,, blah blah

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  • Car(s)
    Tommy Kaira R34 GT-T
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  1. drip drip.. on the garage floor ,, slight slippage .... found the dip stick ,,dohhh! cheers for that Ben... it needs a little top up ,,, and i will get a new gaskit for the gear box ..
  2. Hey there, I'm Just trying to top up my gear box oil , where is the filler plug on these things,, cheers
  3. im thinking its a great idea still,,, cause i know there are parts out there that people need and people wanna get rid of.. Gum tree and ebay are all well and good but to actually go out for a day and hunt down the parts you want for a deal and meet like minded people at the same time beats sitting behind a computer and looking at pictures... i keen to go ahead with it if there are enough people intrested.... i went to the rising sunday a couple of years back and that was very succesful,,, i think it could be the same if not better if its organised with some better publicity... i have a few good ideas
  4. What do you guys think of a JDM Swap meet,, do you think there would be much interest? I Bet there are heaps of people with parts sitting in there sheds,,, what do you reckon?
  5. Keen for the next run
  6. Fixed!
  7. Cheers for that , much appreciated
  8. Hey peps, i started the car up and she had a bit of a whine when i turned the steering wheel .. its ok when the steering wheel is stationary but turn left or right it squeals ,, its definiatly not the belt, sound is coming from the power steering pump... airlock maybe?
  9. I Will be working , i was looking was looking forward to coming for a run,,,,,BUGGER!
  10. Keen , but will be working...DOh!!
  11. yeah i have done an oil change, still the same.. im thinking about taking the rocker cover off for a look... it could be a rod or possibly be a lifter,, hope not,,, it may get complicated
  12. Im getting a head knock that lasts for 30 seconds on start up, To me it sounds like the rocker is tapping on the cover. any ideas on what and why?
  13. Hey mate you still got that Alternator?
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