Guy's just ignore the idiots , i also get heaps of people in their v8's try to drag me , if you have 300Kw or above you know u gonna win so what's the point . "Power-to-weight ratio "
i was a idiot last week and i have learned the hard way "Never again" .
this guy in his VE malo was tailgating me , reving the engine ect ect , he was driving me nuts ,
so i took a risk and said f**k it , i did second gear pull to third , left him like he was standing still ,anyway
he was so imbaresed and couldent even look at me poor flamin mongrel , " the VE guy : ah you have turbo u car only worth 10grand i was like WTF are u smooking mate now go home and cry to you mama u top bloke "
then couple of streets away cops were on the trafic lights and they seen us speading , they were smart didnt put the sirens & lights on but instead they have folowed me all the way to destination.
i was like f**k man "say good bye to the car and licence" .
almost got my car impounded cops didnt have any reading on me ,
cop: did you enjoy that ? was it worth betting that guy ?
me: nah not really , my mistake i was so stupid to do that on public raod , won't happen again I promise .
cop: you now i can impound you car for 28 day and take your license away.
... me: yes I'm aware of that ( me shiting bricks lol).
cop: give me a reason why i should impound ur car.
me: I don't have one..... I was just being stupid and I should've controlled my thoughs and right foot bit better as i said it won't happen again.
cop: license please (went to check details) came back this will be your warning , enjoy the rest of your day
me: Thank you
my mate passinger : man your the luckiest guy ever if that was me i would definitely get busted.
so i have learned my leasson and said to my self , i could of lost my job ,my licence and my car for what ?
For your sake and evryone elese
Please dont race on public road's pay to go to drags and have fun .
Peace out