I have a R32 GTR and I started to get the miss fire problem that is commonly associated with coils earthing out on the head. The symptoms was a miss fire when boosting past 12psi. So I tossed up getting spitfires or yellow jackets. I'm a tightness, so went the yellow jacket route. A month ago i replaced the wiring loom that connects to the coils and the plugs.
I've got a couple of boost levels on my boost controller. Since putting the yellow jackets, I can ride comfortably at 15psi with no problems. When I turn up the wick, to 18-20psi range I start to get a small miss fire.
Even though the plugs are two months old, do you think this is now the problem? Could the plugs get fouled in 4 weeks of drive without boosting due to the old coil leak? Do GTR's chew up plugs?