Oi fellas ease up on the coppers ay. Granted there are some ****wits out there, and yet that goes with the territory and no group isn't suject to have wankers associated with them, either through choice or not.
I'm sure that you would all agree to say that if it wasnt for the minority of morons out there doing burnouts and shit at BWCP, then all of us car enthusists (i rufuse to call us 'hoons') would have a much more enjoyable time without the coppers pickin on us. And yet the ironic thing is that it is not the coppers who deserve the shit, its the pollies and council members. Thanks to those penpushing ****wits who drive there lil Magna Executives and other peice of shit cars, we are targeted as being 'dangerous hoons'. I'm sure the coppers are all to aware of the unfairness of it all, and yet they have no choice but to enforce the law passed by these parasites who wouldn't know a real car if they had the pleasure of being hit by one of ours. Hehe