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Everything posted by MattyFlynn

  1. Arh ok.. I dunno man I thought this was weird .. As I said I don't think he is messing with me. Hopefully this was a one off thing aye. UNLESS a certain sumone took my phone for a minute and msged him and deleted
  2. V8's, they make a big noise but that's about it.. I feel sorry for u lol
  3. Cpd I havnt seen his phone but I don't think he would mess with me lol Stabby, the phone isn't jailbroken and the msg isn't on my phone....Weird stuff this is.
  4. Sumthing odd has happened, pretty much my mate was saying that I sent him a MSG but I never did. This is the MSG I was told I sent :s "Oi man serious question how many times a week do u have sex on average? " I know I never sent this and my phone was with me when this was sent, I'm wondering if iPhones can be hacked by a random person who has ur number or whatever and can send msgs asif u would on ur phone :s ( if that makes sense ) I dunno if my mate is messing with me but this is doing my head in any info would be great or if this has happened to any of u?
  5. I'll prob come like always lol
  6. I might pop in on the way to work.
  7. Bout time, I hate people like that... It's the worst when u overtake them and then they speed up ... It's f**ked, they do 70 in an 80 zone but once u get infront sum of the pricks tail gate ya... f**kin knobs. I'll give them all the one finger salute
  8. Yea I'm 6'1 and fit fine but I just like the look of sitting lower in the car lol.
  9. Bah u would think they would beable to tell u if it'll fit or not ay and afew cm's wouldn't do much at all lol
  10. Just wondering if anyone is going tonight ? I'm pretty sure I'm going so if u see a blue R33 gtst with an sau sticker on the back say hi xD lol.
  11. 250w amp SOLD x1 12inch sub box SOLD Yes I still have the slimline sub. I can get pictures of the box, I can't post it up on the forums tho, for sum reason it won't let me do it with my iPhone. If u want, pm me ur email and I'll email u a pic. Its covered in this carpet stuff.. It's neat. As for the specs I wouldn't have a clue, I don't know much about audio. Sorry man.
  12. Hey people I just had a quick look in this section to see if I can find an answer to my question but I didn't find anything. I would like to have my 2 front seats lower, they r both stock. Where could I go to get this done and also would it cost alot?
  13. Well at least I'm gunna get another 2 points, I needed sum more.. I'm kinda running low at the moment :$ lol
  14. If uup the price sum people might bite, I wouldn't get outa bed for $50 lol
  15. I guess ur best bet is to sell that car and just go car hunting for the one u want. If u look hard enough you'll find a nice r33 s2. Check out sum car dealers if u can't find what u want on carsales.
  16. That made me laugh lol Well I missed out on autosalon cause of work, I really wanted to go but at least I didn't miss much xD
  17. Try that wrecker place I told u about, might get it cheap.
  18. Chibs honestly u can trust the guy I go to, I've known him for over 5years and he's deadset a honest bloke.. He will look after you. Plus I'm almost 100% sure that the problem with ur car is the clutch pedal itself. As I said, if u want pm me and I'll give u the details.
  19. Western suburbs of Sydney.
  20. There's noway anyone on here can tell u how long u have before ur clutch goes because none of us have seen ur car.. If I was u I would take it to a work shop and tell them everything u know... If u can't fiqure it out they should beable too. If u live in nsw in the western suburbs I can pm u a great workshop to go too, I take my car there for everything.
  21. f**k man I knew this would happen Did u get his driver licence details? U have pics,, the pics themselves show that he pulled out infront of u cause of where u hit him
  22. $450 for the 2 mono blocks and 2 15inch subs $80 for the slim line sub $50 for the 2 channel amp
  23. It's sold...
  24. Lmao , I can't believe u t boned that guy xD... Yea I'm pretty sure they shit themselves when we rocked up atthe scene lol
  25. Bump!! Offers??? I want them gonskii
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