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Everything posted by WalkyHR31

  1. This sounds like it could be fun. Haven't been up the Putty Rd for 5 years and never in the 31 although done it many times over past 30 years in quick cars! Would come mainly to meet up with some of you as I haven't met anyone as yet. What's the speed limit these days and the situation with the ummm...traffic safety patrols and cameras?
  2. Guys, Here is an opportunity for some of you who can't make the SAU Driver Training Day on the 24th March or who are 'track junkies' and just want to come along and have some more fun. I have recently registered on the SAU Forums as I own an HR31 and am a Skyline fanatic (next car is an R34 GTR). I belong to and organise "No Speed Limits" Drive Days for the HSV Owners Club in conjunction with the Southern Sporting CC. Our first day is at Wakie on Friday, 30 March. This day is unlike your SAU DT days where you have a lower max number so everyone gets plenty of tuition and therefore the entry fee is different as we have a higher max number of 60 (5 groups of 12) and being a weekday the track hire is 40% less. Entry fee, including timer, is $145 for SAU members and you can invite a friend if you want to and they do not need to belong to any club. We make up the groups according to experience and each group goes out for a 10 min session. At our last day everyone who wanted them got 8 x 10 min sessions, of which 3 were passenger, for a total of around 48 - 64 laps (depending on lap time). Check out the attached entry forms (hard and soft), Format doc and Regulations for full details and how to enter. The hard copy is for those who want to fill it in, scan and email it; the soft copy is the same form with the lines removed that you can type in and attach to your email to me. Let me know in this thread or email me if you want to enter or have any queries and please email me your entry form preferably using the 'on-line payment system' or by DC or CC details (you now need to also add in the 3 digit validation code) however, I would recommend you use the on-line system which is easy for both of us and totally secure. We have plenty of spots now but with 185 on the drive day database it will fill fast from now on. I hope to see a few of you on the day. Brett e: brettgil@iinet.net.au Drive Day Regs - 30Mar12.doc Drive Day Format - 30Mar12.doc Drive Day Entry Form (Hard) - 30Mar12.doc Drive Day Entry Form (Soft) - 30Mar12.doc
  3. Guys, I haven't heard back from anyone since I put a post in this thread late last year. I am coming down to Wakey on the 24th with Patrick Hamilton (Hamiltonau) who is entering in his R33 but I'm not as I am his chaufeur for the w/e (no licence!). We are both running in the NSCC day the next day. . I am happy to help out on the day as I am a CAMS bronze scrutineer and bronze Clerk of Course. I want to meet up with those of you who organise and run these days as I may be able to add value to what you are doing and trying to achieve. I have been running track days and superpsrints for 12 years and currently run track days for the HSV Owners Club including NSCC of which I am also a member of both. I invite non-members to enter and would like to extend an invite to SAU members. I just need to know where I can put up all the details for the first one on Fri 30 March at Wakey. I have also booked EC North and EC South later in the year. Let me know if I can help out and if I can post up the track day details or you can email me at brettgil@iinet.net.au Brett
  4. Just to add my real world experience to this thread. I have been supersprinting various cars for 20 years and now have a modified HR31 with a RB25DET (soon to be RB30/25) and 200 RWKw that I take to track days, superpsrints and hillclimbs. I run 330 mm HSV Group A rotors and Harrop race calipers front with QFM A1.RM pads and R32 GTR twin-pot calipers rear with QFM HPX pads using Castrol or Nulon Super DOT4 fluid. I also have a set of DS3000 fronts that I use on special 'very competitive' occasions! The A1.RM's are the best value for money - they work right away from cold thru to 780C (no one gets to that temp on a road reg'd car), wear incredibly well (a set will do me a whole year or more, all for $100) and they have plenty of bite with little rotor wear. The DS3000's are a bit better but no good cold and really chew into the rotors. They cost 3 times as much buit the best if you want to shead that extra 1/2 sec at Wakey! The Super DOT4 fluid works extremely well and I never experience fade even after 7 or 8 hard laps. You do not need to spend big $ to get good braking performace with constant change of rotors as some I know experience. Just my 2 cents worth.
  5. I am interested if you still have it and I live at Pymble. Can you please PM me details and price. Thanks
  6. Don't pay stupid amounts of money for this stuff unless you are going for a full house drag engine. I have an RB25DET in my HR31 and have just had a Z32/Nistune installed and dyno tuned for $800. Picked up another 30Kw and it has everything you need for a full motor upgrade. Uses the AFM though. I agree it would be nice to get rid of it but not for another $2000!
  7. I may be able help you. I removed, re-built and installed an RB25DET into my HR31 3 years ago and am currently building an RB30/25 to go in. Haven't had any experience with an RB26 but they are pretty well all the same and I do have the full Nissan RB20/25/26 engine workshop manual, so that's all you need. I also fitted different suspension, brakes and a 5 stud conversion on the HR using Commodore parts and stud pattern. I live at Pymble just down the road from you. let me know if you would like me to drop over and have a chat.
  8. Hey Harry, finally joined and finding my way around the SAU Forums and spotted this. I knew it had to be you with all those engines you have gone thru! Now I can keep up with you on your car antics without having to call you every now and again. Looks good mate. Am about to put up all the info on my HR31 in the next day or so so stay tuned. Brett
  9. Guys, I have an RB25DET Stagea bare block with main bearing cradle I have had lying around for a while (out of the weather) and I was going to take it to the tip this week. I am new to the Forum and have just found this thread so thought someone may have a use for it rather than just scrap it. It seems to be OK except it will need a rebore. I don't know much about Stageas as I have an HR31 with an RB25 in it and someone gave me this for the crank and rods. I live in Pymble NSW so if you want it you will need to come and collect it. A block is a block so can't see any need for a pic unless there are different RB25 Stagea blocks. PM or email me at brettgil@iinet.net.au
  10. OK let me know when you will all meet next and if you would like me to I will come along and have a chat about what I can do for the club.
  11. Yes guys A1RM's are the ones to get. They work really well on the road and the track. I use them on my HR31 ttrack car. I just bed them in a on the trip down to Wakey (100 down to 50 medium pressure every couple of K's for a few times) and then some finals at the track for the first run of a few slow laps - good as gold!
  12. If you guys are still looking for a motorsport co-ordinator or someone to assit same, I am new to the club but have had 15 years experience in organising driver training, supersprint and track days for the HSV Owners Club. I already have 4 track days booked for next year and am a CAMS accredited Clerk of Course and Chief Scrutineeer. Would like to get involved as I am now a confirmed Skyline nut (refer intro http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/385136-hi-guys-newbie-from-sydney/! ). Email me at brettgil@iinet.net.au
  13. Orrven, I own a nice road reg'd Hr31/rb25 that I have developed for track days (go to http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/385136-hi-guys-newbie-from-sydney/. ) What did you want to know?
  14. Guys, this is a good day, especially for only $30. I was an instructor at their very first one held this year in Jan and they had around 200 from the public entered with lots of Skylines present. Most people got at least 5 laps around the full circuit and time on the skid pan and figure 8 circuit. I understand this year they will be using the North Track (the fast one!). I will be there again as an instructor. Hope to catch you there.
  15. Here we go! This will be a slighly different intro to the norm. Have only just got around to joing SAU - probably should have joined years ago. My name is Brett and as you can tell I own a genuine VL Walkinshaw and an HR31 GTS. I am an "older" petrol head and a track junkie! Been modifying and racing cars since the 60's where I started with a TR3. Notice there may be some other Walky owners from the 'W' members listing. Had the Walky since new, kept it road reg'd, modified and raced it for 15 years and 4 years ago took it off the road and am slowly restoring it back to original as they are now worth about two R34 GTR's or 1/2 an R35! My Son bought the 31 about 6 years ago as 22 year old apprentice mechanics do and wanted to sell it about a year after I took the Walky off the road. Getting withdrawl symtoms I decided to buy it and glad I did as it is now a quick, fun to drive car - quicker than the Walky ever was and it was quick for its day (EC 1.52's, WP 1.13's)! This 31 had a standard RB25DET already in it, stock R33 ECU but running 12 psi and a 3" turbo back exhuast, 32 GTR brakes, 32 box and still running the R200 4.375 LSD. Had plenty of poke in a straight line but woefull around the bends. After 3 years of playing around with the Skyline suspension with some degree of success I recently grafted the Walky's Harrop fully adjustable, rose jointed Group A front suspension with 700 lb springs, a 32 mm dia, needle roller, 12 position blade adjustable sway bar and 4 pot quick change 330mm Group A brakes to it and this thing now corners on rails and stops on a dime! Went from 1.20's at WP to current 1.12's just with handling and brakes. Has Commodore 5 stud pattern all round and runs HSV SV5000 16x8 wheels - I call it the Skyadore! Have just started on the donk for a mild KW increase. Fitted Mahle forgies, full balance, a VG30 turbo, Z32/Nistune ECU and now running 14 psi with heaps of mid range and a nice realtively flat power curve from 5000 (150RwKw) thru to 7500 RPM for 200 RwKw. Not a lot of outright grunt but a great track car. However, need more KW's so have an RB30 short and spare 25 head to build an RB30/25. Looking to get about 300 RwKw for track work not drag or drfiting. I used to be a V8 fanatic and still am to a degree but I love these Skylines and everything Nissan with its awesome interchangeability. I do all my own work and am looking ot build this into a very fast track machine. Want to be up there with all the GTR's! Would love to meet up with other HR31 owners and am sure there must be quite a few in this club. If so please introduce yourselves and I will be happy to pass on the knowledge I have gained in the 4 years I have owned and developed this car. Sorry for the long story but thought some may be interested. As I said a bit dfferent to the usual intro. So who's into track days?
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