I havn't played it for a few years... also had/have an S2 licence. Always wanted to upgrade to the G25... but had el-cheapo microsoft wheel. Sold that a while back
I had a sneak peak at my sensor... its looks very clean. My UV filter is a little marked up tho... which is good cuz thats what its there for. So i'll buy a new one next week
taken a local job in tsv, same role different company but no more fly in fly out.
I'm an 'office bitch' as its termed... sure dont pay as well as a trade role but meh, its how the cookie crumbled
took these yesterday morning...
should watermarks always be in the same position????
This isn't a june capture... but I did only find it in june
Anyone know of a photoshop script that will throw a few basic bits of info from the EXIF/Metdata into text layer on your image???
Or even a way to extract the EXIF/Metdata into text document or selectable text? I could type it manually but thats hard work
thought it could be interesting to post up the photo data for people to reference...
Yeah having the "matthew ever...." in the background running along the length of the pit wall... cutting slightly in behind the vehicle. Would look fkn awesome.