So last night my 1tb buffalo external hdd said fk you. I was being goo and doing a clean up of crap, moving files from the laptop over etc.
Near the end of the few hours of clean up the whole Process was taking a long time to finish, and I was tired so I shut the computer down... But even that was taking super long. So I hard powered off (held power button).
So that was probably a bad move but I feel the hdd was on its way out being it was so fkn slow.
The hdd is not recognized as a hdd, but is viewable within the (right click my computer and disk management section), but it's not blue, it's black and has a sector error when it's initialized. No idea. All the googling is pointing towards a physical problem with the hdd.
Any chance of DIY recovery? No fussed about losing movies or tvshows, but the years of family/social photos I want to recover...alot.