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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. NickR33

    Deca Review

    this was definately the smoothest run DECA yet... big thanks to everyone! I think the hard work in planning and running these has payed off, I doubt there would be many better run events of this kind... and all without being overly strict or taking the fun out of the day! (and being relatively cheap too) he Paul that 3rd pic looks a little blurry mate, geez I wonder why lol
  2. Is anyone coming up to spectate later in the afternoon... maybe leaving around lunch???... Kalli would like a lift... wants to come now I reminded her about Mexican and strippers... if anyone is coming up later in the day can they message or call me on 0413 800 267... its a long shot but I thought I would throw it out there:)
  3. I know she has never been before and keeps suggesting we go... should I be worried!? oh well I don't consider it cheating if she sleeps with a women... just unfair if they left me out :laughing-smiley-014: hahaha I might stay up there Sat night if I'm too shagged to drive back... I'm supposed to go to a mate's gig but the lure of Mexican food, giant bowls of alcohol and single mother strippers maybe too great!
  4. I dunno... I wasn't really listening... all I heard was 'I'm not coming on Saturday' nah she has shopping to do and I'm not planning on staying the night so she wasn't keen... although I might change my mind at about 5pm when I have been up since 5am and have to drive back to Melbourne
  5. haha love the sig Adz... fight the power! I'm will be without my other half so anyone who wants a ride is most welcome... it gets lonely out on the skidpan and I need someone to hold my hand
  6. god damn... I need a diff that works for this stuff!
  7. dump her and see how quick she packs her bags haha;) seriously tho long distance relationships suck and you are asking for trouble... but if you are really serious be patient and keep paying for her to fly down and see you... then as FINER6 said, just have her stay longer and longer each time... then hook her up some 'casual' work down here... sooner or later her mum will have to accept defeat! Ps. My GF is greek australian and I'm not... she can't move in with me so she moved out with a friend (which was a big enough deal to start with!)... 200 metres up the road from me hahaha!
  8. You can pick them up from any Repco or Bursons etc... you should get a pair for the fronts for less than $200 easy... just call and get a quote... the Jap brands like Endless and Project Mu are good but will be easily double the price of some Bendix
  9. it just seems weird that the 25 is a pig with the VCT turned off... you would think there would only be a very small seat-of-the-pants difference... barely noticeable... afterall the 26 seems fine and its usually got another 100-200kgs to lug around... weird
  10. don't go the 2500's for street only... there are better pads out there, the OEM pads for starters are great on the street and last forever too... Bendix Ultimates are fine as well... no need to spend the earth
  11. woohoo... was convinced I was going to miss out... cheers Chris!
  12. me too, me too... I hate not knowing if the lap was quick or slow (or in my case slow and slower hehe)
  13. Why not have a mod top twenty and then a standard top ten... so guys running stock turbs and street tires can represent hahahaha... I might actually make THAT top ten (although Gareth will have top spot locked down!) ...might also be easier for the new guys to work out what kind of times they should be doing etc... also why don't the big power GTR guys try running slicks instead of semis? Troy that could get you the few seconds you need to topple some of these guys and I don't think anyone would begrudge you slicks if your still running the RB20!
  14. we had free accom in NZ one year, I borrowed some clothes and board and it ended up costing me $600 for a whole week, airfare included! definately the best option over the snow fields here... lots of people from many different countries there as well, which means plenty of drunk back packers;) We stayed in Wanaka which is about an hour from Queenstown... Wanaka is like a surf town in size and feel whilst Queenstown is much bigger, lots of shops, everything you could ever need/want in one place... much more relaxed feel in NZ as well, they don't have the liability insurance problems that we do, so you can do some crazy stuff...
  15. yep I get that too... bars are good to stop the body roll but my thing stands on its nose under braking which makes the rear too light and it always wants to come round... turns in really well like that but I can't trail brake that much or I end up facing the other way lol... hurts my acceleration out of the corner too as I get too much weight transfer and the inside wheel just spins... I want to get my Bilsteins redone too but after more obvious changes like cancelling HICAS, the speed limiter and getting a decent diff
  16. what have you lined up to try out? I'm looking at ways to make my car faster without changing turbo or tires (ie staying in standard RWD class)...
  17. it looks much better from far away! lol just bought new seats this week... retrimmed recaros from an S2000, black suede with red stitching.... mmmm suede... they are almost too nice for my car haha
  18. hey Craig did you try and stuff these under your GTSt at all? if so how far out did they stick? the fronts would be the real worry
  19. I can't use 2nd gear on any corners at Sandown cos the stupid viscous diff just spins the unloaded rear tire, the revs flare and I go nowhere... really hurts me coming out of the corners before the straights, especially the back straight
  20. I came so close, but now I have no chance! lol
  21. hey Chris did you get my fax for this? my name isn't on the emergency list... yet;)
  22. instead of being a second faster this time I was a second slower... just wanted to go quicker than James in the EVO and ended up getting steadily slower all day... trying too hard and my brain may have fallen out sometime around lunch... I have decided I need more power to make up for my lack of skill haha:) sad to see the 32 dented Troy... some good times were put down in the afternoon, congrats to everyone who set pb's
  23. sorry chris, going to do the WRX day... Have a wedding on Saturday... the Maser guys are really friendly if you do head down:)
  24. what about weight penalties instead of restrictors... easier to enforce? (based on power to weight or even race performance a la JGTC) tire width is then limited by standard body work so no point running over 600hp anyway because you will be struggling to get it to the road efficiently without destroying tires... going for heaps of power is pointless because you're just going to cop weight penalties and end up running heavy, going through brakes and tires too quickly?
  25. Thanks Dane! you don't of anywhere that might stock bits and pieces like speed limit defenders, strut braces etc... like an import wreckers or something... I was thinking JustJap but they are in Sydney and I want a few pieces before Wednesday... and Roy I'm too scared to do the dodgy wire cut, its supposed to mess with HICAS because it doesn't know how fast your going blah blah... I really need a power fc
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