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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. Paul you know I'm in! I think this will be a winner... great idea
  2. got the okay from the manufacturer as well so no worries... cheers for the tips! put it on last night and not sure I like the look on my car... needs bigger rims now or something... meh maybe it will grow on me!
  3. hello everyone just a quick one... I have bought myself a carbon/fiberglass bonnet and want to drill some holes in it to fit bonnet pins... now can I just take to it with a normal drill, with some tape on the spot? or do I need to be more careful?
  4. I have the RT 215's on the front and RT 615's on the back of my 33GTSt I would go for the newer 615's if you can get the right sizes... the older 215's seem to harden a bit as the heat cycle a few times and generally offer less grip as they wear down... the 615's on the other hand are still quite grippy even when they are almost completely worn... I have noticed the understeer has gotten worse in my car as the fronts have hardened the 615s do seem to wear quicker although that may just be because I have them on the rear and that's where the power comes from! (every time I say power I can't help but think of jeremy clarkson... which is disturbing) PS. MILES better than street tires (even $$ Michelins) due to the sidewall stiffness and tread design... and they have lasted me 50+ laps around Sandown, 2 motorkhanas and about 10,000 street kms... and I will be finishing them off at PI in a couple of weeks! I will be going the 615's all round if I can find the right sizes... if not I will be buying a set of the new Federal's
  5. haha there shall be no lifting on the straight! I will just put a switch in for the time being to cancel the limiter... dodgy mods FTW!
  6. thanks guys going to be a bit conservative as I would rather be with slower cars than be looking in the mirrors all the time (that and my tires have well and truly gone off)... I think I will have to do a dodgy cut on the speed limiter for PI... I can get away with bashing the limiter for a few seconds at the end of the straights at Sandown but I think PI will demand a higher top speed?
  7. sorry guys a little off topic but does everyone just do this as a day trip or do some stay up there etc? oh and what should I be putting down as my expected lap time if I do 1:29's around Sandown... just a ballpark will do (I figure around 2mins maybe 2:10's?)
  8. Earl Carter... always does good work, we use him when our clients can afford too
  9. we used Nicki on a shoot a couple of years ago before she became all popular... pics for you Joel? haha now the client can't use her on the cover anymore as the licence is too expensive
  10. not a chance under an S15... probably stick out past the guards by about 10mm on a R33 GTSt
  11. I set mine up medium front and back and then chuck the rear one on full hard for motorkhana stuff... really depends on how much grip your tires are giving you
  12. man I thought that had crept up on me... GF's agency did the advertising for this (was teribble BTW... but that's another story) and I had her keep an ear out for the new GTR proto but didn't hear anything... haha we get free entry and all that but still won't be going if there is no GTR!
  13. haha take it out.... go to casino... put it on black... pay bank back... pocket the winnings... ... or lose it all and get prosecuted for stealing a million dollars:(
  14. grab the shocks now... save up for the rest of the stuff later... make sure your car is at a 'reasonable' ride height... and buy some decent tires the worst thing about the hard springs with stock shocks was the change of direction... it would hang the ass out one way fine but then snap back so hard it was scary... the axle hop on acceleration was terrible too, made for awesome 2.4sec 60ft times at the drags hahaha
  15. did the same thing... had King springs with stock shocks + worn federals (terrible tires) and put it backwards through a barbed wire fence when it was pouring with rain near the dandenongs... wasn't driving fast just cruising along now I have all the SK group buy stuff and some pretty $ tires and car feels solid in all road conditions (not that I ever drive fast in the wet anyway... pretty much a death wish in a RWD Skyline unless your the Stig)
  16. hahahahaha I have probably spent half that on my shitter GTSt (and its still sh*t LOL) 2.8 stroker... now that's funny
  17. leave it RWD.... ..... and learn to drive;)
  18. um yeah that's my point.... why only try and police the modifications? because its easier and cheaper to go to a meet or somewhere they all are at the same time, sitting stationary, and walk around handing out defects... instead of actually doing any REAL police work (plus let's face it police are far from brain surgeons and it may just be too much like hard work to actually try and catch people in the act) its laziness and knee jerk reactionism... pretty much the standard in Australian politics these days I have never been defected so how can I be whinging? just trying to support those young guys trying to do the right thing (maybe a minority in the car scene but should be supported) after all once you hit your mid to late twenties police seem to ignore you a whole lot more...
  19. the question is.... is it the DRIVING of these people that police have a problem with or is it the illegal MODS the police have a problem with or is it the hanging in large GROUPS that police have a problem with... because it would seem that if they were really after 'hoons' for the way they drive they would go to the local car parks etc where they know guys do burnouts often etc and stake out those places... not an off street event and they definately can't be after them for hanging in large groups in maccas because that is exactly what these kind of off street events do... keep kids off the streets soooo the only conclusion is they are too lazy to actaully catch you driving badly so they wiil just find something on the car to defect... so you can't drive at all! its not like it would be hard to find these 'secret' locations... just look for the tire marks... get coffee and donuts... sit in car... wait for tools in crapodoor or when someone rings the cops and says I can hear people hooning in the local KMart if the police would react in less than 3 hours they might actually catch someone
  20. yeah turbo will be going on first... I just want to be on the lookout for rims that will suit this sort of look, just have to know the width and offset first so I know what I am looking for... probably source a set of secondhand work meisters black with chrome dish etc... I am in no hurry lol is more for looks than performance hey Nathan you don't know the offset of those 10.5s on the rear there... blended GTR rear looks good too
  21. it all depends on the design of the wheel... with the standard 34GTT wheels I would say no way but if the rims your looking at have good spoke design you should be right, 18's usually can fit some pretty big brakes
  22. put me down too please
  23. hey Chris... yeah I guess I could just stay with the GTSt offset and go an inch wider... so 9.5 +32 at the front and 10.5 +38 at the back I am kind of keen to do the GTR offset thing tho as I can get more dish then... my vision is pumped guards, lots of dish and hardly any body kit so you can see plenty of tyre etc... kinda like an old school muscle car I will be sticking with the Azenis so 17's are definately the go
  24. yeah I want the rears to be mostly metal work... fiberglass never looks as good as metal when painted... although I am not too worried about how perfect it is when up close... think GTR guards on the front would be the go if I could get some relatively cheap please post those pics if you get a chance:)
  25. option one looks like its for 34GTT option two is definately GTR = not a chance
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