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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. I agree! I was just entertaining nasty thoughts of selling the 33 as a rolling shell and slotting the forged rb25 into the 32... hmmm how much can you get for a rolling shell these days...
  2. The whole idea of it being recently resprayed and the fact that it pulls to the left and the fact he won't let you drive tells me it has been in a big accident... many more/better examples in the fore sale section of this site... also things like "Aftermarket suspension" isn't enough information... what brand, how old etc etc... to just clean that car up and get it driving right could end up costing you a few grand... on top of the usual things like servicing, insurance, rego and tyres...
  3. Nengun are good... Greenline are better... much better;)
  4. how much tread left on the tyres? will they need to be replaced straight away?
  5. ah good good, i might actually get around to having the bodywork fixed... ... i understand that the split was amicable but wouldn't they now be in direct competition? or are they going to be offering different services or catering for different types of clients???
  6. depending on how urgent all this is I am happy to help out.... the only catch is that I am in Vietnam on holiday right now and will be for the next 2 weeks...
  7. ...and a lot of truck drivers drive dangerously too... good on ya Ash this thread is really positive, too bad most of the people who really need to hear this stuff will ignore it to find out first hand one day... but it seems as if there are some things you need to experience for yourself and hopefully it doesn't kill you in the process! ... some people are still driving around with the scars from an unplanned offroad experience in the Dandenongs in the pouring rain with terrible tires... *looks around innocently* take care peeps!
  8. anyone who has R34 GTT rims on their 33 can testify that you wouldn't even get a piece of paper between the caliper and the rim... doesn't cause any problems though... as long as it isn't hitting... you can always grind a mm or two off the caliper?
  9. Sk in your experience do RB20's and 25's suffer this problem as much as RB26's? or is it more related to the greater grip and g's that a GTR creates causing the problem? or is there a design issue across the whole RB range?
  10. Bingo!......... and please god change the fluids
  11. I couldn't make it down last night (or any Tue night but that's another story) and would love one of these DVD's... ???
  12. Top effort guys!! was gutted I couldn't make it... looks like an awesome event for the money and one of the only of these types of event I can afford to enter:/ Hope they run it again next year!
  13. cheers for that Funky!
  14. aaah okay thanks ash... thought he just had the normal viscous unit
  15. sorry all I was meaning to say was I don't think a 2.1 60ft on street tyres is bad.. I think he could make up time easier elsewhere as Benm has suggested
  16. I don't think you have 200rwkw if your getting 2.1sec 60ft times and only running 13.9 ET... as an example I ran 13.7 ET with a 60ft of 2.4 and I have about 200rwkw with similar mods to yours... leads me to my next question what was your MPH?... as I reckon 2.1 ain't that bad with street tyres and should be good for low 13s ET
  17. what diff did you go for Paul? ... have to replace mine at some stage, this single spinning rubbish gives me the sh!ts
  18. *edit* scratch that have worked it out now
  19. hey thanks Zol... Yeah the Defi setup definately gave me an extra 50rwkw! and yeah I haven't been bothered to correct it but it is Edlin not Eldin but I know who your talking about you probably wouldn't have wanted to run with us anyway Zol... you might have got that beautiful paintjob dirty! has anyone got any pics of my silver poo mobile in action? so I can change my avatar
  20. lol.... wish I had some pics to post:(
  21. ^^was a really good effort considering the wetness in the morning and the lack of opportunity to get some heat in his tyres still... I'm off to buy semis tomorrow! I got beaten by a 4 cylinder too ... eew
  22. as usual was a great day, well organised considering the trying conditions... big thankyou to all those who helped put it on! also thanks on behalf of my other half Kalli who was helping with the timing on the skid pan... she had a fun time being so close to the action... we put on heaps of sunscreen but still got burnt... happens every freaken time! hey Russell I think we may need to organise a group buy on tires lol!
  23. are you open to sending it down to Melb?
  24. I've got one of these on my 33... looks trick as but I am not impressed with the design as it just sucks hot air and I don't know how to get cool air to it without putting a vent the bonnet! but yeah can take some pics of the install if you like?
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