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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. If you want to do MMA my mate trains at http://graciejiujitsu.com.au/ it's really good school... but if your not interested in grappling prob be better off at a Muay Thai gym LOL @ TTT
  2. yep... doing things with correct technique is usually damn hard work... and pretty humbling!
  3. my wife lifts weights, trained by my old man... basic strength work once a week and a kettlebell conditioning circuit once a week at our gym the also have a HIIT session which is similar to what you describe but it's really boxing orientated she decided (against my advice) to try the boxing session as she wanted to do more 'cardio' so she did it and her complaints were the same as yours... most of the people in the class didn't have the basic strength or technique to do the exercises properly... there wasn't enough rest times between sets so they were trying to do movements while totally fatigued, butchering their form and opening the door for injury... there was zero instruction on correct technique most first timers don't even have the strength to have correct posture, let alone be able to crank out pushups/crunches/squats I drive home down Beach Rd everyday and the 'joggers' are now out in force... most of them don't even have the strength to run correctly... bowed knees, no knee lift, head forward, slouched over... I call them the zombies, as they all shuffle along my wife hit 5 x 60kg deadlifts last night (she's 51kg)... has stayed the same weight whilst training for the last couple of years but her body comp has changed... she's cutting a little at the moment and keeps showing me her abs... yes I'm jealous lol Markos: if my sister wanted to compete she'd make a great lifter... have watched her bench 50kg for reps but she's not really into it unfortunately
  4. 82.5kg is going to be a struggle... I'd have to eat super clean consistently and avoid any hypertrophy work... however all the programs for increased strength while maintaining the same weight are very hard on connective tissue so we'll see how it goes I was down to 82-83 for a while last year when I was doing a circuit session every week... but then I started the powerlifting and taking a protein supp, it sort of shocked my body into adding muscle... now I'm 86-87kg I guess I'll work on speed and technique for a while, leave the heavy stuff til January... I'm not going to kill myself or my progress trying to get under 82.5kg
  5. haha shit... I've just upped my carb intake as I was pretty flat dropped a little over a kilo... if your in the right light, I'm flexing and I haven't had much carbs you can make out my top 4 abs... hardly shredded but starting to take shape... almost ready for teh festivals* lol * just kidding, like I can be arsed going to festivals anymore
  6. damn straight... this is what I'm focusing on now... OHP and cleans... been stuck on similar weight for far too long... mainly because I was doing them as assistance... hoping the OHP helps my bench and the cleans help my deadlift
  7. Your a bit fckd because you can't load up your spine with things like squats... I wonder if you could do good mornings? No idea if they would help with T production like squats do though...
  8. wife went to a hens night over the weekend... should I go out with the boys or sit at home and play COD all night... COD marathon! decent game... some of the maps are a let down but overall I think its an improvement... been using the Chicom CQB burst fire and the ol' faithful R-870 MCS pump action shotty only played a liitle bit of zombies so far... haven't really got into it yet
  9. I can get a better contraction with my hands in that position... I feel it works the rhomboids better... as long as your not too upright and using lots of body english to swing the weight up (then it becomes a half shrug movement) I also like Pendlay rows and one arm dumbbell rows... The Pendlay's I like to go heavy and not too strict on form... T bar and dumbbell rows done strictly with a pause at the top barbell rows into my stomach, navel region... T bar rows into my sternum area reverse flyes for rear delts... powercleans for traps... pull ups for lats... Deadlifts for all of it love training back lol
  10. I find T bar rows the best back exercise for the mid back... especially with the little v handle... better than barbell rows IMHO I always use the smaller 10kg plates for this... makes for more loading/unloading but you can get a better ROM as the bigger plates hit you in the chest before you can really get your elbows up and back you can also use that handle on the pull up bar... lean back a bit and pull your chest up the the handle etc
  11. What's considered average / good / excellent in terms of glossbrenner?
  12. graphic design
  13. sounds good I've resigned my full time position and am going into business for myself so should be able to get to the PTC during the week next year... Hopefully I can split my training so it's twice a week down there and twice up here I know much more progress could be made training at PTC
  14. Very cool setup! I would love to do some weightlifting but need some coaching first (and somewhere to do it)... I power clean/push press often but never even attempted a proper jerk or snatch... I can't even overhead squat properly as my mobility is poor 170kg bench at > 90kg! ... man I have some work to do
  15. as retarded as that is (and the trainer should be shot in both kneecaps)... he's doing pretty well!
  16. the PCYC has a court upstairs so I'll go shoot hoops for 15mins to warm up... then squaaaats;) put a hoop up recently... on the front of the car port... haven't had a hoop since I was living at home many moons ago... daylight savings is awesome, get home from work and have enough daylight to shoot around having a basketball game the day after a powerlifting comp doesn't work particularly well... feels like your in slow motion... epic lower back pump
  17. standard garbage gym bars are hard to hold onto with no chalk... especially if the knurling is worn down... I sometimes wrap a towel around the bar somewhere many pages back in this thread I posted that I was having trouble holding onto 140kg... so just practice and lots of rowing assistance work
  18. there really isn't anything wrong with this diet... maybe a bit short on the green veggies and the odd banana would be good... some nuts for snacks... fish and/or fish oil too... apart from it being bland and repetitive it's pretty spot on for body recomp... if most people ate like this adult onset diabetes would disappear along with many other modern health issues if I had the discipline to eat like that I might be able to see my abs:( ... can you come live at my place for a few months!? good on you for sticking to it deadlifting 200kg is just practice... spend a few months working up to it... some more size in your back will help... and nice big forearms to hold onto the bar I fckn love peanut butter... I've got the all natural frsh stuff at the moment... doesn't taste as good as the supermarket version but has nowhere near the same salt/sugar content
  19. Yeah you really should strip the entire bar... if guys are using the rack before me I will tell them to leave the 20's on as that's what I warm up with however many people like to warm up with just a bar... also your assuming they're squatting... if they're overhead pressing 60kg is a hell of a warm up weight! your in the gym to lift weight... so lift it and put it back! another pet hate... please do not go to the dumbbell rack, pick up a set of dumbbells and take half a step back to commence your set... now anybody who wants weights from that area has to wait for you to finish... or risk pushing past you mid-set, which is fckn rude... (this probably only applies to small gyms)
  20. lats, traps, forearms... next winter, start eating! if you make the same progress on those weaker areas as you did the rest you will look jacked... and fitness bunnies in yoga pants will throw their panties at you SRS13: are you fckn serious!? how much of a degenerate scumbag do you have to be to steal weights from the gym... man I would be pissed if I ever caught someone doing that... I get emotional enough when people don't put the plates back in the correct place
  21. when I first looked at the pics I was thinking pretty good improvement for 12 months... then I saw his post, 6 weeks! WTF dude
  22. I can't bare putting those little f**kers on... I know I should but they just look so silly!
  23. you can even combine elements in the one session which I find works well warm up > power/plyometric movement > heavy strength movement > high rep / isolation so you get warm, then train the light, explosive movement which is best done when your not fatigued... this primes your CNS for the heavy strength sets... then you do the higher rep, isolation work to pump the damaged muscles with blood and nutrients (this will feel easy after the heavy strength movements) so you might do jumps, sprints or med ball throws etc... then squats, cleans or deads etc... then cable work, flyes, curls, machines etc etc lose fat, get stronger, faster and more muscle all at the same time I think body part splits are antiquated and unless you plan on being a competitive bodybuilder aren't suitable for many gym goers
  24. RPT doesn't work as well for the heavy compound lifts as it doesn't allow for sufficient warm up time IMHO I do use it for assistance work, along with drop sets, cluster sets, partials etc... depending on how I'm feeling on the day and when I last trained that movement I program very loosely... if I rock up and it's supposed to be a heavy day and I'm not feeling it I'll back off and do some speed or high rep stuff... sometimes I'm scheduled for a light day and after a few sets I'm feeling great so on go a few more plates even if I'm halfway through a session, lets say I started with deadlifts, and my grip is fried, I'll switch it up and do some pressing movements that allow me to have a loose grip on the bar... I like to do quality sets... if I'm struggling badly and my form goes to shit I'll leave it, even though I had it programmed for that day I'll go do something else same applies to drop sets... just because your pushing past fatigue by grabbing a lighter weight doesn't mean it should turn ugly... super ugly form just means your having to recruit different muscles to get the last reps out, which is pretty pointless almost as pointless as the guy doing weighted pull ups with his training partner pushing him up... why add weight and then have someone help you lift it!?
  25. I carb cycle... so on training days I eat more, on rest days I eat hardly any... I'm not really that grumpy, just have that slightly annoyed feeling all the time lol compared with preparing for powerlifting meet, where I was nicely full most of the time... I'm more relaxed with a tummy full of food:) My workout changes as very hard to lift in above 85% of your 1RM on a calorie deficit... also I wanted to back off the heavy stuff for a while and up the reps, to change it up a bit, give my joints a rest etc Also to target some of those bodyparts that are a weakness or lagging behind a bit I just miss the total body exhaustion that a heavy compound lift session provides... I don't mind training for a pump but it's not as rewarding in terms of stress relief
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