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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. FFS there's nothing wrong with Troy's diet... he's making good progress and his diet looks pretty balanced... healthier than 99% of the populations anyway... where are the back/leg shots though mate;) If you guys lifted as much as you agonized about macros... I'm trying to lean up a bit.. but the workouts that go along with a caloric deficit I find boring and unfullfilling... and the lack of carbs makes me grumpy but my wife just sent me a pic from 2 years ago which has cheered me up... basically I look like a fat shit lol... my body comp has changed dramitically over that time... I never bulked or cut and have stayed approx the same weight but I look completely different slowly changing body comp might not be the quickest way but if you have the patience to be consistent it certainly works... no counting calories, no fancy supps Husky33 nailed it on the last page
  2. oops lol big DL for a 78kg bloke!
  3. do it! pretty cool to have a bunch of people to cheer you on, offer advice etc I've been trying to make my bro-in-law do it but he's a big pussy... 115kg, strong, Romanian background but embarrassed by his crappy bench press... I told him nobody cares, its just for fun but can't convince him
  4. me too:( this thread is started out pretty homo but I think we just turned into chicks lol
  5. there are two types of fat Visceral - fat underneath muscle, around organs... not easily visable Subcutaneous - fat between muscle and skin... visable some people have more of one thatn the other... also why skin fold tests aren't 100% accurate
  6. You were pretty busy getting everybody sorted so didn't want to bother you... next time
  7. so anyway, day 3 of 'dieting'... verdict: its massively gay did a lighter, high rep, dumbbell pressing session last night... including lots of shoulder work... low rest times and lots of drop sets... my god is it boring! hardly raised a sweat so went and did some high rep squats to finish... last set was 100kg x 20... fark
  8. lol probably at the stage where I need to shave it... get some Markos style... might even get some tatts/piercings! does stop me from getting hassled driving the R though... the boys in blue must think I'm a bit older and therefore more responsible... ha! Markos my folks were very impressed with ProRaw4... they only came for a bit, watched the bench press then went home and watched the rest on the live feed
  9. so is 110 x 4... I can barely double 110 just make sure your touching bar to chest... the amount of high benching I see is almost equal to the amount of high squatting bloody bench press... I have to do it multiple times a week for even the tiniest gain... sick of it!
  10. on the topic of front squatting...
  11. eating has never been a problem for me... but then again neither has putting on muscle so its a trade off I guess got home from basketball last night and made myself a Ribena... took a sip, remembered I'm dieting, poured it out and drank a glass of water... did I mention this sucks!?
  12. I definitely prefer the older style bodybuilding look, not so much vascularity... I admire the dedication it takes to get that lean but its a bit extreme After eating everything I could lay my hands on for the last few weeks prepping for powerlifting I'm now on a diet... it sucks and I'm hungry all the time... seriously I'd rather go to the gym and do a murderous session of barbell complexes, high rep squats and kettlebell circuits than diet... I'm so fckin grumpy some chicken, avocado, tomato, lettuce for lunch... lame... last week I was smashing lasagne, steaks, burgers... I was so happy *tear*
  13. yeah I hear ya... back injuries suck as they're almost impossible to train around... like when you get an epic back pump in the gym and you can't even lay on a bench and press! what's the wisdom regarding doing deads from a deficit... increased ROM for rehab?
  14. This guy's a beast... WELL over triple body weight deadlift
  15. I think you have to DL 250kg to get on the board... top is 300kg I believe
  16. but I don't have an injured back yeah was okay off the floor but I think I have to work on the lock out... I got red lights on my 2nd attempt for bent knees... I was wondering why it was taking so long for the down command, I thought I was all locked out... the above was my third lift and I only got two whites so definitely have some work to do my bench is pretty average... I don't really enjoy it, it's a bit of a bore to train I've worked really hard at squatting as it's a bit of a weakness so pretty happy with the progress... even though I won't be setting records any time soon;) what's your PB squat? can you train it okay with your back issues?
  17. 220kg deadlift video
  18. lol I look so tiny compared to those monsters on a plus note, even though I didn't hit my target total I feel really good today... no niggles, a bit sore but that's it... mustn't be lifting enough weight! Congratulations Markos, you put on a hell of a show
  19. maybe for a couple of hours you could maintain that %... any more and you'd be seriously endangering your health
  20. barbell front squats... you will find even light weight quite difficult and you won't need the cage... pick it up as you would a deadlift... hang clean it to your shoulders... front squat great for your quads
  21. easy... amazing!
  22. sorry had to go to a fckn black tie cocktail party after ProRaw... could barely stand, except to chase the catering people around to eat all their food lol EPIC event... some seriously massive, strong dudes, doing some ridiculous lifts I started off well with the squat hitting my 180kg pb as planned Bench wasn't as good, hit 115kg fairly easily but failed 120kg about halfway up... it took a lot out of me and I was feeling pretty drained by deadlift time Opened on 210kg, got it, nice and easy... went to 220kg as I was pretty shagged and finding it difficult to get psyched up... it came off the ground fine and I thought I had it locked out but got red lights for my knees being bent... so instead of going heavier I just did 220kg again and made sure I locked it out properly 10kg pb on squat, 5kg pb on deadlift for a 515 total... comps are a long day, mentally hard to keep getting yourself hyped for a lift... was a good experience Thanks to Markos and the whole crew of spotters, loaders, judges, helpers... looks like a lot of work to put something like this together Sorry I couldn't stay for the trophy ceremony ps. I bunch of HUGE records were broken... but I'll let Markos post about that
  23. cheers guys:)
  24. yep... was fun... just not for everyone else lol worked up to and squatted 170 a couple of times... then I deadlifted but only went up to 200kg with the slippers+texas as my back was shot from the squats
  25. unless you squat naked... and your spotter has a massive erection...
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