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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. Interesting point about Flo Jo... I actually think drug use is potentially more harmful in women's sport... those that use PED's to increase their testosterone are almost unbeatable by women training clean... the gap is MUCH wider than in men's sport did you see some of the 'women' weightlifters at the olympics... you don't need drug testing to know that something wasn't right there lol
  2. haha no I just didn't want to create any weird muscle imbalances... they feel great, I don't even notice the raised sole what pisses me off most about drugs in sport is now there's so much skeptisism... everyone just assumes that if you do something spectacular you must be taking drugs... I guess it isn't a big deal but it must annoy the shit out of the top guys who have achieved greatness without doping... and all the 'roids' comments from uneducated fckwits any time someone performs exceptionally drives me mad so if you were Armstrong would you take say 1 Tour victory that stood forever or 7 that were then stripped years later? I'd take the 1 but then hindsight is good like that;)
  3. good read went down to IE and got a pair of Do Wins on my lunch break... Metal soft suite is also on its way along with some deadlifting slippers Markos can I work out in the Do Wins... meaning can I do assistance, pressing, rowing etc in them or should I change out of them as soon as I'm done squatting?
  4. 60kg x 137... get faaarked! lol I do 20 rep squats every now and then for a finisher... but I usually do them with 90-100kg and that's more than enough for me... I can run a whole basketball game without subbing too so I'm not what you'd call out of shape
  5. lol good post! so true
  6. I never say anything to anybody... if they want advice they'd ask for it... my old man does but he's a PT so fair enough I had a guy I've never seen do a single deadlift give advice to my wife on deadlifting... 1min after I was standing next to her helping with her set... I really felt like saying dude don't bother she probably lifts more than you anyway lol
  7. no flame here... no great damage done if you under or overestimate a little... just have to be honest with yourself on form and reps Markos will probably jump in here but for what its worth... If you got 160, try the 170 program... if you get halfway through and its still easy jump onto the 175 Get someone to spot your bench press and find out what your true 1rm is... then aim 5-10kg over that for your PPP I wasted a lot of time when I first started in the gym half squatting... I wasn't training powerlifting then, just lifting to get in shape... I didn't have anyone to judge depth and thought I was deep lol... when I went properly deep I could handle a LOT less weight so get someone to have a look at your squat or video it... its really annoying to get a certain weight and then realise your too high so you may as well go lighter and do everything with as much depth as possible... you'll be a lot stronger for it in the long run read Markos article on squatting if you haven't already http://www.ironedge....-author/markos/
  8. he has a black 33 GTR... a man of culture, refinement and a great taste in cars;) but I have to say I love Spiros' machine... the graphic designer in me geeked out pretty badly over the hand painted, vintage style, drag graphics
  9. so you just throw all that in the back seat of the R?
  10. If your near Highett in Melb Burger Boss are running a burger challenge at the moment... its got 6 patties I think, only one person has finished it so far https://www.facebook.com/pages/Burger-Boss-Melbourne/374200099257396?fref=ts eating fast food is no different to eating out at a nice restuarant when it comes to your health... a really interesting look at fast food by Penn and Teller and in their Bullshit series http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8av4unUxeE that said if you have a gut and titties you should put the burger down fatty! lol
  11. I did read your articles! the squat one was great... when I go to Ironedge to buy shoes I'm going to need a bigger car... to bring all the stuff home I end up buying lol
  12. yeah I massively overestimated the squat program... was trying to do the 180kg and got to about week 6 and realised I was in trouble... after just squeaking out that 170 squat I'm going starting the 180 program again... but I'm all screwed up as ProRaw4 is in 3 weeks and I'm just starting the PPP cycles again... I didn't get to finish any of them properly before the last comp either, think the closest I got was bench week 9 I want 180/120/230 = 530... but I'll take 520 and be happy... pretty confident I'll get the bench and dead but the squat will be hard... might have to settle for 170-175 I better buy some shoes/suit... does anyone in Melbourne stock this stuff in store? prefer to buy in person so I can get a good fit
  13. I'm finding that I can bench three times a week, squat twice a week and deadlift once a week... although I've just dialled back the bench to twice a week as I'm getting some rotator cuff pain I only train 3 x week as I also play basketball don't aim too high on the starting numbers either... you might be fine week 1 but by 6 or 7 your going to be in trouble
  14. riiight... I just ate lunch... and it almost came back up lol you did a very good job of that... no half assed ankle sprains for you!
  15. yep, I allow myself one a week... and damn does it taste good! living overseas is a great move when your young and single... an accent is like money in the bank when it comes to talking to random girls... plus chicks dig the skinny look so you'll do well hehe but why Canada? go somewhere warm so you have an excuse to invite girls to the gun show lol
  16. do it... better than eating take away! I lived with mates for 3+ years, hardly ever cooked (apart from BBQ) and ate at retaurants/pubs nearly every day... and when I wasn't out I got take away... I got fat, felt terrible and spent heaps of money... because I was lean my whole life I thought I could get away with it... turns out I was lean because my mum is a great cook and home cooked food is HEAPS better for you than food at even the nicest of restuarants So as far as I agree with Markos I also understand where your coming from I now cook, thanks to my wife... neither of us enjoy it but we like eating and being healthy so it's just something you have to do
  17. aaah to be young and single... have fun, you earned it:)
  18. I've had some really bad ankle sprains playing basketball and they HURT... ankle swells up like there is a tennis ball in there and its all colours of the rainbow... but that looks like nothing I've seen before... the pain must be severe! so you rolled it the other way, onto the inside of your ankle? usually they go the other way, onto the outside
  19. ho...ly...shiiit where you playing indoor or outdoor paintball? I've played both and the indoor was ridiculous... there was so much paint on the floor it was like ice it was that slippery... a mate twisted his knee pretty badly I have no experience other than a broken elbow but for what its worth... a break is a break, you have to wait for the bone to knit back together or your going to have all sorts of problems its not worth damaging your leg permanently that being said you can probably do quite a few exercises... bench press, bench rows, pull ups, dips, push ups, seated overhead press, seated curls, seated skull crushers... however on all these exercises I would put your leg up on a box or similar... layed on it supported by your calf, NOT sole down if that makes sense... as even though your sitting on a bench you will still put weight through your leg if the sole of your foot is on the floor
  20. shit... lol what equipment do I need, soft suit? I'll get some shoes asap 3 comps in 4 months... everything aches... I'm an old(ish) man!
  21. there are many programs (usually associated with olympic weightlifting) that focus on incresed strength while maintaining a certain bodyweight TTT: competing in the 82's would mean I have to watch what I eat... unfortunately I only like to watch it go into my mouth I love back work... my favourite back exercises: deadlifts, powercleans, good mornings, pull ups, dumbbell rows (not a huge fan of barbell rows), T-bar rows (use the 10kg plates so you can pull it closer to your chest), face pulls and rear delt cable flys
  22. Markos I'm still thinking about entering, what are the requirements and when do enteries close? I'm sure I can get 520kg or so... I don't have enough pride to worry about coming last lol Will you be using the texas bar for deadlifts? I still haven't maxed that sucker!
  23. booo... I was expecting pics of leggy eastern european women... love the concentration on his face in the squat... takes some balls to drop into the hole with that much weight on your back!
  24. yep hips came up far too quick on that DL, my other two lifts were better... the 210 I pulled so hard I rocked back on my heels as I locked it out, almost fell backwards prob had more than 215 in me but wanted the 500 total... if i'd gone for more and failed, leaving me with 495 total, I would've been pissed lol Dezz: a vid from behind (no homo) would be better to check if your favouring one side/leg... you may want to do some single leg work to make sure you don't have an imbalance there? also I was linked to mobility.wod and have been watching his videos... I fckn hate doing pretty much every 'stretch' he suggests but it's very educational
  25. my lovely wife messed up the filming of my final 215kg deadlift... so this is just my opener at 200kg 115kg bench press
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