Haven't been on this forum in ages, very busy with work and any spare time I'm at the gym training
Training all lifts again, back seems to be fully recovered. Chiro was impressed with the time frame for my rehab. He figured I might be out a lot longer.
Training for the ProRaw ProAm at the moment, although just coming off a nasty flu that kicked my ass so not where I'd like to be. Just want to get another comp under my belt as I haven't competed since states. My goal was 600+ kg at 90kg this year, I'll go over 600 but my bodyweight is hovering around 92-93kg and I won't be cutting.
So after a really good start to the year it's been all over the place ever since. Hoping 2014 will be more consistent.
The new gym is awesome and some huge improvements from many lifters. Pretty amazing to watch really.