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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. Emad? he's a top bloke, was giving me some deadlift advice and pumping me up... if that guy told me to pick up the bar in my teeth and probably do it... fckn beast
  2. haha easier said than done! I'm a bit over 86kg atm... I was considering doing ProRaw4 down here next month but I'm in no mans land between the 80kg and 95kg groups... I'd love to cut down to 80kg but I'm not really sure how to approach it without losing muscle/strength... not that I'm a chance of placing in the 80's but better than coming last in the 95's Dani Boi: yeah was just talking in general... I have a mate who is thin, wants to get strong but won't eat and won't quit smoking... your making good progress so why change it
  3. considering most people get into the gym to improve their health first and foremost, I don't think excessive bulking is very clever... obviously a different story for competitive BB or PL but I would be concerned what massive weight gain/loss is doing to you long term... just have a look at some of the older MMA fighters (especially those that were cutting weight for wrestling in high school/college)... many of them are now applying for TRT because their bodies have stopped producing testosterone A little bit of fat helps you train hard and recover... like a safe tune on a car, it gives you a bit of buffer should environmental factors change suddenly... so for ectos you might have to consider changing your diet and accept the trade off... you shouldn't have any trouble leaning up again anyway when the time comes But if you have tits, your fat... no bulking for you fatteh! put down the donut and pick up a kettlebell after initially losing about 8kg when I first started 92kg - 84kg... I've hovered around the mid 80's ever since... but my body comp has totally changed... I maintain a little more body fat than I would like (hey I'd like ripped abs too) but I like lifting heavy and going out to eat more so that's the trade off... however I think having that little buffer has allowed me to train consistently for 2 years without any real breaks or injuries... and I'm only a month or two off looking lean should I decide to stop eating hamburgers
  4. Warning: blatant promotion ahead... but its on topic because I've listened to this track about five times this morning lol A good mate has just gotten back from touring Europe (he's the bloke in the OCP Tshirt) Check him out on FB if you like the tune https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts
  5. good work... going to the gym is so much more enjoyable when you make progress... now for triple body weight!
  6. yeah cheers, that makes sense... I have watched Rippetoe's squat videos my wife did say 'why do you have your feet so much closer together than everyone else'... my answer was I did it that way so I wouldn't need a wheelchair to get home lol I'm not really looking at it from a perspective that I can handle more weight... I just think if mobility and glute strength is an issue I shouldn't train around them, rather work on it and improve... that said I don't think I'll ever squat wide! I'm one of the least flexible people on the entire planet, its pretty bad even though I'm narrow I do keep the knees out fairly well... I have knees like a rugby front rower, they ain't pretty but seem to be fairly strong lol funny I taught my wife how to squat and had her narrow like me but she wasn't strong enough to go deep... experimented with her stance and she is much better with a quite wide stance
  7. I'm not the best person to ask but here is my understanding of it Its pretty simple... start off very light, some just use the bar... lots of reps making sure to concentrate on technique... then just slowly start adding plates but just doing a couple of reps every time, making sure to be nice and explosive... you want to be nice and warm but not fatigued... there are percentage based programs out there that give you exact specifics on how to approach it but everybody's different... experiment and see what works for you I used to train by doing the standard 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 as I went up in weight and with fairly short rest times... then if I had some gas left I'd maybe attempt a 1rm but it never worked very well much better to go something like 20, 15, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ... so the 20 and 15 (just rough numbers) done with a very light weight or just the bar... then the rest of the sets your nowhere near fatigue... in fact these should be done with the strictest form and really concentrate on speed (on the concentric portion) then load up the bar, get a spotter and go for it
  8. yeah fair enough... that was 10kg more than I'd ever attempted... I'll keep working on my form though
  9. so how to a practice sitting back more? my knees are well forward of my toes at the bottom, shins should be more vertical yeah? legal depth? might have gotten away with it there... was my worst lift for the day and I went 9 for 9 so happy enough... I seemed to have pulled up without any injuries other than general soreness so might get straight back into it tomorrow night... see if I can't improve ye old squat technique
  10. wow that's great time... easy in that rolling couch your driving now;) good choice of car for after a squat session, a GTR isn't ideal haha thanks for coming TTT: cheers mate, hope you get that back sorted
  11. Thanks to all the judges and spotters/loaders... was great because everything moved so smoothly and quickly cheers for the free Tshirt!... 'This object is the part of this territory' clearly someone in Slovakia was using google translate lol looking at the video I think there was more in my bench and deadlift... pretty sure I maxed the squat though (it was pretty ugly)... Markos did say to take 165kg... so I took 170kg... maybe next time I should listen! anyone who is thinking of having a go definitely should... pretty nice having people you don't know cheer you on... a very different atmosphere than your average gym
  12. what have you done to yourself? recurring injury?
  13. FFS someone please ban markos... or at least stop him posting videos of skinny kids lifting more than me lol
  14. if your interest is bodybuilding or physique competitions then I wouldn't go balls out to work your 1rms... however running a power lifting program for a few months definitely won't hurt your physique and it could spark some new growth, especially if your old program is a bit stale... its not something to attempt on a calorie deficit though so you need to eat... probably better to tackle during a 'bulking' phase for the physique competitor
  15. Markos you need to stop posting those numbers... just makes us mortals depressed
  16. you sound like my old man but you make an excellent point... I will leave earlier my bro-in-law coming to watch again, been trying to convince him to enter but he's worried about his crappy bench press... I told him it's just the lie down between the real lifts and he had a good laugh... still wussed out though I don't care if I come last (well maybe a little bit) as long as I beat my lifts from last time I'll be happy Birds you should enter, last time I did I had done zero actual training for it... I had been doing all three lifts but with nowhere near the frequency or intensity of a proper program... I found it useful to gauge where I stood strength wise
  17. height is obviously a factor in olympic weightlifting, the taller you are the higher you have to get the bar to get underneath it... shorter arms also help but there are exceptions to the rule powerlifting I don't think height is as much of a factor... long arms help with deadlifting, short arms better for bench... squatting no idea? might be hard with a long torso to stop the weight folding you in half? weight is a much bigger factor and the proportion of limb lengths in relation to optimal leverages... but at the end of the day strong is strong (that's my new favourite saying... along with 'strong people are harder to kill'... thanks markos) hot down here today... summer is almost here... can't wait to be sweating my arse off in a gym with no air con... at least you need half the time to warm up lol love working out in the sunshine... might have to get a shitty old rack for outside... wife should love that idea
  18. leaving my place about 11.30 aiming to get there at 12
  19. fixed your post lol seriously though, I haven't made it through the full PPP program on any of the lifts so going to be some more guesswork I think... will test the squat max tomorrow night as I tested the bench and deadlift on Sat... then no heavy stuff til Sun is there a formula or rule of thumb for working out openers? aiming for 500kg total... 170/120/210... but I haven't made any of those lifts yet... there's always hope haha
  20. shit it's getting catty in here... girls please play nice;)
  21. farkin home gym owners... should've bought a bigger place my gym is 5 min walk from work though... pretty convenient... if it wasn't for work out partners I'd always train at lunch time plus I know it's kinda sad and pathetic but I get competitive at the gym... pushes me to go a bit harder young skinny bloke today kept pulling his shirt up to check out his abs after every set lol... I'm just a hater though, still can't see mine properly! maybe I shouldn't have this curry for lunch... nah fck it too damn hungry!
  22. that's why I'm going today on my lunch break instead of after work, its like a graveyard during the middle of the day:) seriously though I wish someone would have told me when I was 18 how to train properly... the internet was around but it took 10 minutes for a page to load lol... I made all the classic mistakes, never really grew much and gave up... although I did have nice arms hehe... its a shame when I see young guys making the same mistakes I did ranting is all in good fun... everyone who pays their membership has the right to do whatever they want and be left in peace
  23. when did this thread turn into the injury and rehab discussion... so I think I've pulled a muscle in my vagina... lol just kidding, sucks when you can't train 100%... that's why using a weight you can do with correct form is so important... and making sure you keep in balance by working every muscle group, not just the ones that gets the chicks! ps. all the johnny come latelies now crowding my gym... it's too late for you so why don't you fck off back to the couch and let me train in peace... please... at least none of them train legs so the racks are usually free... some of them stand at the cables for an hour doing all manner of shit and I can't get in to do some finishers or shoulder prehab... seriously you can buy cables for home... do you have a door? then you have a gym lol
  24. awesome, well done mate! and well done to all the lifters, not easy to fly all that way and perform at your best... takes ages to fully recover from those long arse flights I didn't get to Vienna or Prague last Europe trip... really want to do Eastern Europe next time, supposed to be beautiful will send that last vid to my Mrs, she is about that size so will be impressed... that's a hell of an arch! I'll also send her the Nina DL WR, Mum power! impressive
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