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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. I find it easier with a bit of weight on the back maybe try some front squatting? pretty hard to fall backwards on a front squat... something under your heels will also help front squats are good because your much more upright, with your hips underneath you, which should keep your back flatter Also squatting to a box might help with confidence, knowing there is something back there should you lose your balance... this will allow you to really push your hips/ass backwards and maintain a flat back
  2. yeah can I please be fat as shit, totally winded after 1 set and have fcked up rotator cuffs... seriously, where do I sign up?
  3. point your toes out a little bit and concentrate on forcing your knees outward... its when your knees cave in that it puts a lot of pressure on them... also (apparently) partial squatting puts more pressure on your knees than full ROM squats to get my butt to the floor I had to start with a very narrow stance... I stopped at the bottom and let it stretch me out every rep... slowly I've been widening my stance but I'm still fairly narrow as my groin is still pretty tight we have been doing Bulgarian split squats, lunges and good mornings after squatting, feeling a lot stronger in the lower body... last night we did box jumps in between squat sets and they seem to help as well
  4. higher reps for calves? the fckers are used to carrying your body weight for hours at a time doing god knows how many reps... you have to shock them, force them to adapt by doing something different I have always had decent sized calves (nothing spectacular) not sure about my genetics but I've played basketball for nearly 20 years... just like tennis, basketball is played on your toes a lot and all the jumping and sprinting is demanding for the calves
  5. try explosive/plyometric stuff for your calves... weighted jumps, hops, sled pushing etc
  6. lol @ 300+kg raw squats... I don't care how big you are that's impressive shit
  7. agree they just don't get used in a commercial gym... the 45s are the heaviest in my gym and the knurling on them is super fresh and grippy... nobody ever uses them! I watched a young bloke get PINNED under a couple of 25s trying to bench press them the other day... watching him and his mate try and get them off his chest without him falling off the bench was classic... they then proceeded to do barbell bench press with too much weight and the spotter didn't let go of the bar at all during the entire set... sometimes you just have to stare in amazement
  8. yeah I really don't know enough to have an opinion either way, but it does get a bit confusing when your new to the sport Those numbers are funny looking at on screen, your like yeah sounds impressive... but to actually load that shit up on a barbell and get underneath it... fck me
  9. It remains a good spectator motorsport because of the limited aero, small tyres and decent power... the cars move around a lot which gives the sensation of speed... they're loud and durable enough to rub panels... it doesn't matter what road cars they're imitating or what brand motor is under the hood... it's fun to watch for the casual fan I don't watch it much save for Bathurst... but you have to appreciate the longevity and success of the series
  10. awesome effort, what a beast! must be the beard... I'm hoping mine gives me a few extra kilos was watching the girls on that feed yesterday... in my limited experience the judging seemed very lenient, anyone who knows their stuff care to comment? was inspired so last night we did: squats, Bulgarian split squats, good mornings, bench press, DB overhead press, cable chest press/flyes... completed in just over an hour... I'm tired today lol
  11. my issue isn't in my shoulders... its a neck/thoracic issue... if my alignment is a bit out it will pinch when I'm pressing causing the muscles to lock up and protect the spine... so my neck freezes up and I can't turn my head very well... a session at the Osteo pretty much fixes it immediately I actually like pressing behind the neck for my shoulders... I feel it gives a nice stretch at the bottom... my shoulders rarely give me any issues... but my elbows like to complain a lot
  12. there was movement! lol
  13. happy ending? lol @ the IT Crowd episode where the masseur kisses him on the bottom I went to my Osteo on Mon to have my neck/traps worked on... overhead pressing with a barbell didn't agree with me... going to switch to dumbbells for a while as they let the shoulders move a bit freer
  14. your not supposed to snort the protein powder... my mother in-law was diagnosed with early osteoporosis recently... so we bought her a set of weights for her birthday... happy birthday, now get off your arse and get moving lol we can argue about the best ways to train/eat but at the end of the day if your doing regular resistance exercise and eating clean then your doing better than 90% of the population... let them go to the doctors and get their pills... I'll have a steak thank you... and I ain't cutting the fat off it either!
  15. It helps that my old man made his money in advertising and only took up PT when he retired... so he has the luxury of not having to do it for the cash
  16. lol at paying an 18 year old $70 to train you for an hour I think it's a decent career choice if you can make it work for you... good lifestyle, nice and flexible, not stuck in an orifice all day... great option for young people I say go for it... just don't promise people they'll look like a supermodel by doing 2 hours of cardio every week if they want to change their body they have to lift heavy shit and eat right... don't lie to them just to keep a client... if your honest you will do better long term
  17. TBH I don't work out at those gyms so I really don't know what the norm is... the PT's are pretty good at my gym... although the bosu does make an appearance every now and then lol we have a powerlifter helping people with technique at the moment, which is great... many people are intimidated to try some of the harder movemets so its good that he's there to improve confidence... however we disagree on a couple of small points... for one, if I was to wait as long between sets as he likes it would take me three hours to train... and I'm sorry but I'm not squatting heavy once every ten days... if a I did that I'd still be a fat bastard everyone's bodies are different though
  18. If you want to be a PT start to think about a niche for yourself... something to set you apart from the 100's of others... then gear your education/experience towards that... if it were me I'd try and get some experience in a gym working with athletes... it seems that strenght and conditioning for professional athletes is a decent career but most likely will involve more study and more experience than your average PT... something to work towards perhaps
  19. I agree with most things you say but sometimes your way off the mark My old man is a PT and specialises in older people (50+) who are trying to increase their health by improving their fitness/strength... some have health issues that they're brave enough to tackle with hard work not just prescriptions... not everyone employs a PT because they want to look good at the beach... that's just a little narrow minded
  20. yeah for sure... makes sense, if you touch the floor with SLDL it takes the tension off your hamstrings... better to hang a little and really stretch them hey
  21. I find a hot water bottle better than a heat pack because they hold heat a lot longer... also in the shower put the hot water on your lower back and stretch your hammies... or just soap up and touch yourself, you know, whatever floats your boat lol I deadlifted yesterday... lower back is FRIED today I always reset my reps on the floor, no bounce... unless I'm doing speed deads, then its just a touch and go... trying to hang onto heavy deads without resetting them on the floor always makes me fall forward and makes it really hard to hang onto the bar
  22. he was asking about increasing upper body strength, not getting bigger arms... curls for arm size, pull ups for a stronger upper body... you won't get better at pull ups by doing curls but you might get bigger arms by doing pull ups but I agree, why not do both... just do the pull ups first
  23. TTT: see that's how you promote, your font was not big enough lol Markos: I would like to come down for a few sessions before this, maybe we can discuss when you get back...
  24. I love pull ups... I could barely do 3 when I started back in the gym... so to get better at them I would just do a few whenever I walked past a pull up bar... I mixed up my grips, underhand / overhand / wide / narrow your fairly light so you should kill it on pull ups... there is a technique to them though... you need to concentrate on the first motion by pulling your shoulder blades back and down, getting tension in your back first... most people try to pull with their arms... the arm shouldn't really come into it until the second half of the motion... think about pulling your elbows back, down and in towards your body... lastly try and lean back a bit as you come up and bring your chest up to the bar rather than your chin... this will recruit your lats better I curl every now and then at the end of a session... I'm very average at them but I can do 8-10 pull ups with 20kg hanging off a belt no worries... I can also row very heavy no problem so my lack of curl strenght isn't holding me back in those areas I've never seen a guy with a big back and tiny arms;)
  25. try splitting up your back workout... after heavy deadlifting, if my grip is fried, I will go to push movements that don't require such a tight grip on the bar... then I do rows/chins/shrugs/cleans on another day the bars in my gym suck and they don't allow chalk so I used to deadlift with my towel wrapped around the bar... effectively turning it into a fat grip... over time this has improved my grip to the point where I get my hands on a decent bar and grip is no longer an issue make things harder for yourself and you will get stronger IMO
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