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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. lol, gold!
  2. I think the whole overtraining issue is a little overblown... I used to think this way but it was really just a convenient excuse for me to be lazy... I've just upped my training volume, load and frequency and guess what? I feel better! some of the niggles I had have gone and I'm already feeling faster/stronger... if a muscle group is stiff or sore now I deliberately target it, get some heat into it and more often than not it comes good and I feel better... I've recently been benching 3 x week to try and improve it (didn't used to do it very often) and noticed some irritation in the shoulders... instead of backing off the volume I've just increased the amount of pulling/rear delt work and now my shoulders feel fine I had a big session last night, truly tried to wreck myself... could barely climb the gyms stairs to go to the toilet... but 30min later I felt great again, energized etc just my opinion but I think if your just doing legs and back once a week your missing out on getting bigger (if that's your goal)
  3. triple body weight squat = balls of steal... what an animal! I saw a triple body weight C&J at the olympics (can't remember lifters name)... blew my mind
  4. Nina almost benches as much as my bro-in-law... he's 115kg! superwoman
  5. Me? not sure I can hang with those boys! what's the go on Saturdays? I could really do with some coaching... That squat from Max was soooo smooth, serious power How much does Emad weigh? bloody strong for a lean bloke! So in an attempt to get stronger out of the hole I setup the pins at the very bottom squat position and did dead start squats... I attempted the PPP program in this fashion but it was not happening... had to drop 10-20kg off each lift! ... bloody hell its hard with no bounce Then bench, going well, trying to practice the pause Then straight leg deadlifts standing on blocks... stretch those hammies! I can barely touch my toes:/ Dips / face pulls good session already feeling better/stronger... even pinched some protein powder off my old man
  6. Eat... everything I can lay my hands on as soon as appetite comes back... then go to the gym with the intention of taking it easy, ignore that intention, try and lift heavy, get frustrated, leave... go home and eat more lol
  7. yeah was just playing on the stereotype... she was very happy to take my last name when we got married, her maiden name took far too long to write and nobody ever spelt it correctly very impressive lifts, I know lots of blokes who couldn't pull that... strong women are awesome!... Kal deadlifted 6 x 55kg the other night which was pretty good for her (she is 50kg)... she is okay deadlifting but her squat needs work... been trying to get her to squat deeper as she is still way too high... just a confidence thing I think Just joined the pro raw forums... checking out people's logs, very helpful
  8. I'll keep at it then, see how I hold up hmmm wonder how I'm going to get a DL bar purchase past the wife... better than spending money on the car honey... all in the name of good health! Actually she is keen to come down and have a look at your gym since I told her how many strong girls you have down there... she's greek so you guys probably know each other lol
  9. oops! lol Squat + Bench + accessories - Tue Deadlift + Bench + accessories - Thu Squat + Bench + accessories - Sat I find the bench press a lot less taxing than the SQ or DL so have been doing it every session... I might swap it out for overhead press on one of the days... although I've been doing OHP as assistance most sessions as well... I might see how long I last doing it this way, if I hit a brick wall I'll dial it back... really want to squat 2 x a week for a while as I reckon it has the best carryover in terms of athletic performance... and I'm still clinging onto the fantasy that I might be able to dunk one day lol I never put collars on Edit: sorry I'm only DL once a week, not twice as I mentioned in previous post... although I do use powercleans and rack pulls as assistance
  10. fck that was brutal today... squats week 2 (180kg program), followed by bench week 3 (120kg program)... I'm struggling with the squats, I don't have a spotter or any pins/bars set up so when I start fatiguing I break down mentally and slowly squat higher and higher... so I added another set at the end at 100kg and made sure I was ATG on every one, pausing at the bottom... squats are all in the head! my lower back/glutes were still fckd from deadlifts on Tue but I soldiered on... just have to get used to squatting and deadlifting twice a week... and maybe have a can of harden the fck up lol I wanted to do some heavy bent over rows, only got through 2 sets before my butt muscles cried enough so I just did some other assistance stuff the bench is going much easier... I'm benching 3 times a week as I never used to do much bench so feel like I have a long way to go... no spotter but hasn't been an issue so far... I guess it's a good motivator to get the weight off your chest... either lift it or lay there whimpering lol Deadlifts are going well too, I'm doing the 220kg program... the garbage bars are ripping my hands to pieces with the super sharp knurling but I figure it will stop hurting after a while... I still can't get over how much nicer the bar at PTC was to hold (and chalk helped)... I'm considering buying my own bar and keeping it in the office I may need to actually use a protein supp now... I've never supplemented but can see how taxing a program like this is going to be... milk and eggs might not be enough anymore?
  11. hahaha glad I'm not the only weirdo then;) back injuries are the worst, hard to train around... I guess as you get older you have to train smarter... I'm definitely not as indestructible as I once was and I can't get away with a eating crap anymore that's the beauty of strength sports though... you might get slower as you age but you still can get stronger... as long as you can remain healthy good luck with it, don't give up just try a different approach
  12. actually having a program has given me some much needed focus... I always liked just lifting but its awakened my competitive side... my competitive side is usually buried deep as he's a bit of a monster and doesn't play well with others... now he's awake and wants PB's... I must feed him
  13. Markos WTF have you done to me... I had a dream about squatting the other night... I have a heap of work to do but instead have been reading and daydreaming about lifting (who daydreams about lifting weights...seriously!?)... I have a persistant NEED to get into the gym... who would've thought this shit is addictive... you should probably put a warning on those newsletters lol ps. my legs hate you
  14. thanks for the feedback... those numbers are just a goal, don't think I'll achieve them in 6 weeks but I'll certainly give it a shot sounds great Markos, I'd love another go with the good gear! That program could be really helpful, how do I go about it... email you?
  15. yeah sounds like he's been watching those ghetto exercise vids on youtube where the guys do all the crazy pullups in the local park... (and never seem to train legs) regardless, even people doing silly shit in the gym don't deserve injuries that are that serious... fingers crossed the damage isn't permanent
  16. great post Markos... it's kind of like golf, you against the course... yeah I like to play golf too lol well I've been bitten by the bug... no more circuit stuff for a while, I'm going 5 x 5 for the next 6 weeks or so... was a little annoyed I didn't find the limit last Sun so I have some goals in mind... maybe a bit optimistic but hey you have to give it a go... I want a 200kg squat (+40kg), 130kg bench (+20kg) and 250kg deadlift (+60kg) maybe I should make a build thread to keep me honest... ps. is a narrow squat (oly style) a disadvantage? I'm not comfortable squatting wide
  17. sounds like he was doing dragon flags (Bruce Lee invented) not really a beginner exercise... that said my old man can do them and he's nearly 70 hope your mate recovers fully!
  18. I like pressing overhead... barbell, dumbbells, whatever... I think it's better than the front raises your doing currently
  19. awesome, thanks guys
  20. chucks look like a good all round option... is it okay to squat in high topped shoes? I currently lift in my basketball boots and I'm sure they're far from ideal
  21. I'll start then... I need to get better shoes to train in... do I go for some proper weightlifting shoes, if so where should I go (probably best to be somewhere I can try them on, rather than online) My gym does not allow lifting barefoot or in socks
  22. I like it (extra points for the powercleans, jump squats and clap push ups... I love that stuff!)... no overhead or specific shoulder work in there though?
  23. I want to do this to mine... but can't be bothered undoing that many bolts lol
  24. sort of like running your car down the 1/4 mile after a bunch of mods to gauge progress... and good fun too:)
  25. so nice to use proper equipment... was good that there were some really strong guys putting up big numbers... made it entertaining and was good motivation!
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