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Everything posted by NickR33

  1. yep all 1RM under competition conditions... was pleasently surprised how much fun it was... really nice to have a bunch of people cheering you on
  2. so I went down to the PTC yesterday... cool little gym and friendly bunch of people, thanks Markos! I took it relatively easy as I've never been to a PL comp before and didn't want to embarrass myself... so definitely some more in my squat, and heap more left in the deadlift... totally underestimated how nice the proper DL bar is to use and could've easily gone 200+... maybe next time;) Squat > 160kg Bench > 110kg (failed @ 115kg) Deadlift > 190kg (should've opened with this) not a bad effort considering I don't train for power lifting... but some super strong guys down there, makes for a humbling experience! Not sure how to embed video from FB here? can't link due to privacy settings on my FB page
  3. IT'S ALL YOU!
  4. as long as your not doing it in the squat rack... and no, I'm not going to work in with you
  5. fck me... mental note, don't lift right after that guy! damn I love a good burger... might actually have to clean the R... actually who am I kidding, that won't happen lol
  6. sorry got my days mixed up, I meant Sunday (as you have the novice comp on the 19th)... I'll try and make it down BTW they have Oly bars at my gym and I'm a fair distance away from the rings... narrower than the guy in the vid you posted Birds: hard to judge because I can't handle anywhere near the same amount of weight overhead... can't really diagnose this stuff without seeing form I guess... I have a suspicion that I'm fairly tricep dominent
  7. Thanks for the feedback I'll have to get somebody to video me dipping, I think my ROM is good but I've made that mistake before My dipping grip is definitely narrower than my bench grip... I always grip the bar a hands width from the start of the knurling... not sure if olympic or power bar, will have to measure and check hand placing to the rings Yes I dip as assistance as well, never start with it I've never done a proper 1RM on the bench but I know it's nowhere near any of those you quoted above are you going to be around tomorrow? would love to come down and have a few lifts, get some advice on form etc
  8. haha sorry Dan! (and its 50kg on the belt, not 60kg... not quite there yet)
  9. nope, proper dips with dip belt... I do lean forward bringing the chest into it so its not a strict tricep dip... I just feel really strong on that movement and my ROM is good too so just not sure why its not transferring over to other pressing movements
  10. thanks, will send her the vid of Amy for motivation! (the one where she climbs the rope with just upper body, no legs is pretty impressive) have a real question for you Markos, how come I'm so much stronger at dips than other pressing moves like bench press... I can dip around 135kg (BW + 50kg ) for the same number of reps I bench press 100kg... and I bench more often than I dip? I think Trozzle was asking the same question a few pages back as well
  11. I'm sorry but I don't believe you... unless you post pics... we need pics... you know, for evidence and all... Been trying to improve my wife's squat, almost up to bodyweight (51kg) but she's not so keen on the heavy PL style stuff... I think that's why girls like crossfit so much, they seem to be more attracted to the endurance aspect than maximal strength, that's a big generalisation though... she's obssesed with learning chin-ups at the moment though, can do 4-5 okay ones (not 'kip' ups)... which is pretty good considering she's built like a bird, with super long, spaghetti thin arms... has a good build for deadlifting though and likes it after I told her it was great for helping build a round ass... but she's a bit scared of going heavy
  12. sounds good, cheers:)
  13. no chance of that, I'm at work;) Vic, live in Highett work in St Kilda... currently train at the St Kilda PCYC which is super basic but has enough... my old man is a PT out of there, my mum, sis, wife, bro-in-law all train with him... even my gran who is 96 lifts weights! I basically train myself nowadays though... do a mix of powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, circuit training etc... jack of all trades, master of none... but if you call me a crossfitter I'll have to kill you;)
  14. Wow! I'd be lucky to total 460kg... crazy... do they have pullup comps? lol I really like the powerlifts as a core of my strength training but not so sure I want to compete... might have to rock up to a local show and check it out
  15. I just looked up the 83kg Raw class grading scale... was curious about competitive powerlifting until I had a look at that... I either need to lose some weight or man up lol Good luck in Slovakia!
  16. GTR_JOEY: sounds painful and unpleasant! a lot of my friends were rowers in high school and watching them race each other, then collapse and throw up in the spew bucket was enough for me lol I do see many people using the wrong technique on the rowing machines... pulling with the arms before your finished straightening the legs... like the oly lifts, the arms should be kept straight to maximise your leg power, then only use your arms right at the end to finish the pull... its a leg and lower back exercise! legs > back > arms... then arms > back > legs good vid, its a bit too technical for non-rowers but has some helpful tips of you skip through
  17. +1 for the rowing machine... I use it in my circuit/HIIT workouts... guaranteed to make you lose your lunch lol
  18. how's the wrists/forearms?
  19. Leg press is worse for your back then if you were squatting... this is due to your lumbar spine rounding at the bottom of the lift... do some research you will find a few articles on the topic professionals often tell you to stop lifting weights just to cover their own arse... I used to get some lower back back pain but ever since I started deadlifting heavier it has gone away completely... and my DL technique isn't the prettiest either Try focusing on strengthening your glutes, stretching your psoas/quads and foam rolling... these are all things that have seemingly worked for me
  20. Birds: try a mirror! lol Mitch: yep (in between fapping over the female athletes)
  21. had recorded the mens 77kg and saw this post... was watching it last night and every time someone stepped up to snatch I was thinking this might be it lol... then the Korean stepped up and they were talking about all the injuries he's had in the last few years... then BOOM... ouch! Lu Xiaojun is a beast... new snatch and total WR
  22. Yeah you will be fine... like squatting heavy with no padding, you won't even feel it after a while... although people might ask you about the odd bruising lol I find if stuff is tender or sore it just means I was doing it right! lol
  23. totally agree I've had to do this with just about every lift... every time a correct my technique I find I'm having to go back to a lighter weight... squats was a big one, when they put mirrors around the squat rack I realised my depth was for shit... dropped 60kg off my squat immediately! also with bench press I didn't have a good arch and never used to go all the way to my chest... dropped the weight and worked on my technique, full ROM, touching chest etc since I have corrected the bench press I feel I can move more weight... once you learn to get the legs involved you realise its a whole body exercise however in the long run I believe doing it the right way will make you stronger and less injury prone so its worth deflating the ego and correcting technique every now and then the most butchered piece of equipment in the gum has to be the lat pulldown machine... nearly every guy uses too much weight and moves around all over the place... no wonder so many of them have no lats!
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